neutron VPC

The goal of this document is to provide an umbrella blueprint defining how to add support for VPC in Openstack.

A VPC is defined as an entity providing resources access boundaries with the goal of building a logically isolated infrastructure assigned to a tenant.

There are multiple options to implement this entity, either as a formal node in the openstack container hierarchy (domain, projects), or as a tag used to define access policies.



Relationship with other blueprint

  • Hierarchical Multitenancy [1] defines a hierarchical model for resource ownership and containment. This blueprint can be used to implement the VPC concept by considering each VPC as a node in the hierarchy.
  • AWS VPC API support [2] aims at providing an EC2 VPC equivalent API on openstack. This blueprint uses a special project to group the VPC resources, however, it doesn‘t address the needed changes in scoping of different resource to implement a true isolated VPC.
  • Hierarchical Administrative Boundaries [5] defines a model similar to [1] and is focusing on defining administrative delegation.

Use cases

1 - The administrator of a domain can create a VPC composed of network resources. A generic VPC can look like:

Within the VPC, the administrator can :
1.1 - create a shared network. A shared network in the VPC is equivalent to a Neutron public network (it‘s a public network with a restricted scope).
1.2 - create a transit or external network that can be connected to a remote datacenter through, for MPLS or a VPN or to the internet.
1.3 - define specific flavors, images or other openstack resources restricted to be used within this VPC (e.g. DNS Zone, LB Resources, ...).
1.4 - define quota for resources available to a given VPC.
2 - The domain administrator can delegate the management of the VPC to a user or group of the domain
3 - A user of a domain, can create a project within a given VPC. Within this project, the user can

3.1. create a private network using the VPC external or shared network as the next hop. VMs can get a floating IP from the shared or external network
3.2 create a VM within a project attached to a shared network exposed by the VPC.

Resource Model

The above model is showing a relationship between VPC and Project assuming a containment relationship. However, as shown below, depending on the implementation, it could be a more loose relationship.

时间: 2024-10-21 10:30:25

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vpc相关功能点: 模块 功能点 描述 备注 VPC 创建vpc网络 创建vpc网络,指定vpc网络名称   修改vpc网络 修改vpc网络名称   删除vpc网络 删除vpc网络   vpc相关命令: net-create Create a network for a given tenant. net-delete Delete a given network. net-external-list List external networks that belong to a given t


1.创建neutorn数据库 [email protected]:~/ocata# mysql -uroot -p -e "CREATE DATABASE neutron" Enter password: [email protected]:~/ocata# mysql -uroot -p -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON neutron.* TO 'neutron'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'zoomtech'"


欢迎转载,转载请保留原作者信息 欢迎交流学习,共同进步! 作者:颜海峰 个人博客: 微博:海峰_云计算 Neutron 网络类型介绍 计算节点配置 Load Balance 网络节点配置 Load Balance 配置Neutron 使用 Load Balance Mechanism Driver 配置Neutron 使用 Flat (扁平)网络 命令行创建 Flat (扁平)网络 控制台创建

openstack neutron 添加router

在neutron网络中,如果需要打通不同租户之间的软件网络,那么需要打开 neutron l3 agent,并且配置router: 配置/etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini #vi /etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini [DEFAULT] router_id = dbad9f1c-7999-4b1e-b307-c3466bb0eed9 use_namespaces = True auth_url = adm