Chapter(3) -- Derivatives 导数

1. 导数与变化率


We sometimes refer to the slope of the tangent line to a curve at a point as the slope of the curve at the point. The idea is that if we zoom in far enough toward the point, the curve looks almost like a straight line.


The more we zoom in, the more the parabola looks like a line. In other words, the curve becomes almost indistinguishable from its tangent line.

2. 函数的导数

A function ƒ is differentiable at a if ƒ‘(a) exists, it is differentiable on an open interval (a,b) if it is differentiable at every number in the interval.

If ƒ is differentiable at a, then ƒ is continuous at a.



3. 导数公式


ƒ(x)=C; ƒ‘(x)=0

ƒ(x)=xn; ƒ‘(x)=nxn−1

ƒ(x)=x−n; ƒ‘(x)=−nx−n−1

ƒ(x)=ax; ƒ‘(x)=axlna

ƒ(x)=ex; ƒ‘(x)=ex

ƒ(x)=logax; ƒ‘(x)=1/xlna

ƒ(x)=lnx; ƒ‘(x)=1/x

ƒ(x)=sinx; ƒ‘(x)=cosx

ƒ(x)=cosx; ƒ‘(x)=−sinx

ƒ(x)=tanx; ƒ‘(x)=sec2x

ƒ(x)=cotx; ƒ‘(x)=−csc2x


[ƒ(x)+g(x)]‘ = ƒ‘(x)+g‘(x)

[ƒ(x)−g(x)]‘ = ƒ‘(x)−g‘(x)

[ƒ(x)*g(x)] = ƒ‘(x)*g(x) + ƒ(x)*g‘(x)

[ƒ(x)/g(x)] = [ƒ‘(x)*g(x) − ƒ(x)*g‘(x)] / [g(x)]2

4. 链式法则

The chain rule(链式法则):

If g is differentiable at x and ƒ is differentiable at g(x), then the composite function F=ƒ°g defined by F(x)=ƒ(g(x)) is differentiable at x and F‘ is given by the product:


The power rule combined with the chain rule

If n is any real number and μ=g(x) is differentiable, then:

5. 隐函数的导数

The functions that we have met so far can be described by expressing one variable explicitly in terms of another variable--for example, y=x3+1, or in general, y=ƒ(x). Some functions, however, are defined implicitly by a relation between x and y such as: x2+y2=6xy.

It is not easy to solve this equation for y explicitly as a function of x by hand. But we don‘t need to solve an equation for y in terms of x in order to find the derivative of y. Instead we can use the method of implicit differentiation. This consists of differentiating both sides of the equation with respect to x and then solving the resulting equation for y‘.


时间: 2024-10-13 22:22:40

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