pomelo是网易开源的服务器架构,通讯类型分为四种: request, response, notify, push。
前面两种都可是使用pomelo.request实现,notify由pomelo.notify实现, 这里只看push是如何实现的。
一 ChannelService
ChannelService是由pomelo默认加载组件channel创建的。 可以使用如下方法获得:
1 createChannel(name);
name: channel名
ChannelService.prototype.createChannel = function(name) { if (this.channels[name]) { return this.channels[name]; } var c = new Channel(name, this); this.channels[name] = c; return c; };
2 getChannel(name, create);
name: channel名
create: 如果不存在, 是否创建
获取一个指定用户名的channel, 如果create为true, 不存在会创建一个。
ChannelService.prototype.getChannel = function(name, create) { var channel = this.channels[name]; if (!channel && !!create) { channel = this.channels[name] = new Channel(name, this); } return channel; };
3 destroyChannel(name);
name: channel名
使用name, 销毁一个指定的channel。
ChannelService.prototype.destroyChannel = function(name) { delete this.channels[name]; };
4 pushMessageByUids(route, msg, uids, opts, cb);
route: 前端消息监听方法的路由
msg: 发送给前端的消息内容
uids: 消息接收者 {
uid: userId,
sid: frontendServerId
opts: 可选的自定义参数
cb: callback方法
ChannelService.prototype.pushMessageByUids = function(route, msg, uids, opts, cb) { if (typeof route !== 'string') { cb = opts; opts = uids; uids = msg; msg = route; route = msg.route; } if (!cb && typeof opts === 'function') { cb = opts; opts = {}; } if (!uids || uids.length === 0) { utils.invokeCallback(cb, new Error('uids should not be empty')); return; } var groups = {}, record; for (var i = 0, l = uids.length; i < l; i++) { record = uids[i]; add(record.uid, record.sid, groups); } sendMessageByGroup(this, route, msg, groups, opts, cb); };
5 broadcast(stype, route, msg, opts, cb)
stype: 前端服务器类型
route: 前端消息监听方法的路由
msg: 发送给前端的消息内容
opts: 可选的自定义参数
cb: callback方法
ChannelService.prototype.broadcast = function(stype, route, msg, opts, cb) { var app = this.app; var namespace = 'sys'; var service = 'channelRemote'; var method = 'broadcast'; var servers = app.getServersByType(stype); if (!servers || servers.length === 0) { // server list is empty utils.invokeCallback(cb); return; } var count = servers.length; var successFlag = false; var latch = countDownLatch.createCountDownLatch(count, function() { if (!successFlag) { utils.invokeCallback(cb, new Error('broadcast fails')); return; } utils.invokeCallback(cb, null); }); var genCB = function() { return function(err) { if (err) { logger.error('[broadcast] fail to push message, err:' + err.stack); latch.done(); return; } successFlag = true; latch.done(); }; }; opts = { type: 'broadcast', userOptions: opts || {} }; // for compatiblity opts.isBroadcast = true; if (opts.userOptions) { opts.binded = opts.userOptions.binded; opts.filterParam = opts.userOptions.filterParam; } for (var i = 0, l = count; i < l; i++) { app.rpcInvoke(servers[i].id, { namespace: namespace, service: service, method: method, args: [route, msg, opts] }, genCB()); } };
二 Channel
上面是ChannelService对象提供的一些操作channel的方法, 下面是Channel对象的方法。
1 add(uid, sid)
uid: 前端连接的uid
sid: 前端连接到的服务器id
Channel.prototype.add = function(uid, sid) { if (this.state > ST_INITED) { return false; } else { var res = add(uid, sid, this.groups); if (res) { this.records[uid] = { sid: sid, uid: uid }; } return res; } };
2 leave(uid, sid)
uid: 用户的uid
sid: 前端连接到的服务器id
Channel.prototype.leave = function(uid, sid) { if (!uid || !sid) { return false; } delete this.records[uid]; var res = deleteFrom(uid, sid, this.groups[sid]); if (this.groups[sid] && this.groups[sid].length === 0) { delete this.groups[sid]; } return res; };
3 getMembers()
Channel.prototype.getMembers = function() { var res = [], groups = this.groups; var group, i, l; for (var sid in groups) { group = groups[sid]; for (i = 0, l = group.length; i < l; i++) { res.push(group[i]); } } return res; };
4 getMember(uid)
uid: 用户的uid
Channel.prototype.getMember = function(uid) { return this.records[uid]; };
5 destroy()
Channel.prototype.destroy = function() { this.state = ST_DESTROYED; this.__channelService__.destroyChannel(this.name); };
6 pushMessage(route, msg, opts, cb)
route: 前端消息监听方法的路由
msg: 发送给前端的消息内容
opts: 可选的自定义参数
cb: callback方法
Channel.prototype.pushMessage = function(route, msg, opts, cb) { if (this.state !== ST_INITED) { utils.invokeCallback(new Error('channel is not running now')); return; } if (typeof route !== 'string') { cb = opts; opts = msg; msg = route; route = msg.route; } if (!cb && typeof opts === 'function') { cb = opts; opts = {}; } sendMessageByGroup(this.__channelService__, route, msg, this.groups, opts, cb); };
三 小结
从上面提供的这些方法可以看出, 可以有两种方式实现推送:
1 匿名Channel
就是不需要创建Channel, 直接使用channelService.pushMessageByUids和channelService.broadcast推送;
var uidArray = new Array(); uidObject.uid = "session uid"; uidObject.sid = "connector-server-1"; uidArray.push(uidObject); channelService.pushMessageByUids('onMsg', { msg: msg }, uidArray, function(err) { if (err) { console.log(err); return; } }); channelService.broadcast('connector', 'onMsg', msg, { binded: true }, function(err) { if (err) { console.log(err); } });
2 显式Channel
需要使用channel.createChannel或channel.getChannel先获得一个Channel, 然后使用Chanel.pushMessage推送。
//创建Channel var channelName = 'allPushChannel'; var channel = this.channelService.getChannel //把用户添加到channel 里面 if (!!channel) { channel.add(uid, sid); } //根据Channel名字推送消息 var channelName = 'allPushChannel'; var pushChannel = this.channelService.getChannel(channelName, false); pushChannel.pushMessage('onMsg', { msg: msg }, function(err) { if (err) { console.log(err); } else { console.log('push ok'); } });
官方API: http: //pomelo.netease.com/api.html
cnodejs: https: //cnodejs.org/topic/51b531bef78196a85c4f0c89