linux eclipse中运行android AVD 错误

Starting emulator for AVD ‘NexusOne‘
ERROR: 32-bit Linux Android emulator binaries are DEPRECATED, to use them
you will have to do at least one of the following:
- Use the ‘-force-32bit‘ option when invoking ‘emulator‘.
- Set ANDROID_EMULATOR_FORCE_32BIT to ‘true‘ in your environment.
Either one will allow you to use the 32-bit binaries, but please be
aware that these will disappear in a future Android SDK release.
Consider moving to a 64-bit Linux system before that happens.

1)、修改~/.bashrc,添加一句:export ANDROID_EMULATOR_FORCE_32BIT=true;重启;

  1. In Eclipse, click your Android project folder and then select Run > Run Configurations...
  2. In the left panel of the Run Configurations dialog, select your
    Android project run configuration or create a new configuration.
  3. Click the Target tab.

In the Additional Emulator Command Line Options field, enter:


Run your Android project using this run configuration.

时间: 2024-12-15 12:20:56

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