PostgreSql问题:ERROR: operator does not exist: timestamp without time zone > character varying


ERROR:  operator does not exist: timestamp without time zone > character varying


//注意此处的格式必须是 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss[.f...] 这样的格式,中括号表示可选,否则报错

Timestamp alarmStartTime = Timestamp.valueOf("2011-05-09 11:49:45");

Timestamp alarmEndTime = Timestamp.valueOf("2011-05-09 11:49:45");

condition.put("alarmStartTime", alarmStartTime);
condition.put("alarmEndTime", alarmEndTime);

<if test="alarmStartTime!=null &amp;&amp; alarmStartTime!=‘‘">
AND alarm_start_time &gt; #{alarmStartTime}
<if test="alarmEndTime!=null &amp;&amp; alarmEndTime!=‘‘">
AND alarm_end_time &lt; #{alarmEndTime}

时间: 2024-07-30 10:17:03

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