


本来想着用rsa加解密和MD5就可以实现数字签名。查询了网上的文章,经过自己尝试。发现只能用公钥加密,私钥解密。这和数字签名刚好是相反的,在CSDN里发现也有人问过这个问题。这是加密函数RSAES_OAEP_SHA_Encryptor e(publicKey);这是解密函数RSAES_OAEP_SHA_Decryptor d(privateKey);



Sample Programs

The following is a handful of sample programs demonstrating ways to create keys, sign messages and verify messages.

Generate Keys

// Pseudo Random Number Generator伪随机数发生器
AutoSeededRandomPool rng;

// Generate Parameters  密钥生成所需参数
InvertibleRSAFunction params;
params.GenerateRandomWithKeySize(rng, 1536);

// Generated Parameters
Integer n = params.GetModulus();
Integer p = params.GetPrime1();
Integer q = params.GetPrime2();
Integer d = params.GetPrivateExponent();
Integer e = params.GetPublicExponent();

// Dump
cout << "RSA Parameters:" << endl;
cout << " n: " << n << endl;
cout << " p: " << p << endl;
cout << " q: " << q << endl;
cout << " d: " << d << endl;
cout << " e: " << e << endl;
cout << endl;

// Create Keys
RSA::PrivateKey privateKey(params);
RSA::PublicKey publicKey(params);

RSA Signature Scheme with Appendix


AutoSeededRandomPool rng;

InvertibleRSAFunction parameters;
parameters.GenerateRandomWithKeySize(rng, 1536);

RSA::PrivateKey privateKey(parameters);
RSA::PublicKey publicKey(parameters);

// Message
string message = "Yoda said, Do or Do Not. There is no try.";

// Signer object
RSASS<PSS, SHA1>::Signer signer(privateKey);

// Create signature space
size_t length = signer.MaxSignatureLength();
SecByteBlock signature(length);

// Sign message
length = signer.SignMessage(rng, (const byte*) message.c_str(),
    message.length(), signature);

// Resize now we know the true size of the signature

// Verifier object
RSASS<PSS, SHA1>::Verifier verifier(publicKey);

// Verify
bool result = verifier.VerifyMessage((const byte*)message.c_str(),
    message.length(), signature, signature.size());

// Result
if(true == result) {
    cout << "Signature on message verified" << endl;
} else {
    cout << "Message verification failed" << endl;

RSA Signature Scheme with Appendix (Filters)


// Generate ot Load keys
RSA::PrivateKey privateKey = ...;
RSA::PublicKey publicKey = ...;

// Message
string message = "Yoda said, Do or Do Not. There is no try.";
string signature, recovered;

// Sign and Encode
RSASS<PSS, SHA1>::Signer signer(privateKey);

StringSource ss1(message, true,
    new SignerFilter(rng, signer,
        new StringSink(signature)
  ) // SignerFilter
); // StringSource

// Verify and Recover
RSASS<PSS, SHA1>::Verifier verifier(publicKey);

StringSource ss2(message+signature, true,
    new SignatureVerificationFilter(
        new StringSink(recovered),
        SignatureVerificationFilter::THROW_EXCEPTION |
  ) // SignatureVerificationFilter
); // StringSource

// No exception - use recovered message

RSA Probabilistic Signature Scheme with Recovery


// Generate keys
AutoSeededRandomPool rng;

InvertibleRSAFunction params;
params.GenerateRandomWithKeySize(rng, 1536);

RSA::PrivateKey privateKey(params);
RSA::PublicKey publicKey(params);

// Signing
RSASS<PSSR, SHA1>::Signer signer(privateKey);
RSASS<PSSR, SHA1>::Verifier verifier(publicKey);

// Setup
byte message[] = "RSA-PSSR Test";
size_t messageLen = sizeof(message);      

// Sign and Encode
SecByteBlock signature(signer.MaxSignatureLength(messageLen));

size_t signatureLen = signer.SignMessageWithRecovery(rng, message,
    messageLen, NULL, 0, signature);

// Resize now we know the true size of the signature

// Verify and Recover
SecByteBlock recovered(

DecodingResult result = verifier.RecoverMessage(recovered, NULL,
    0, signature, signatureLen);

if (!result.isValidCoding) {
    throw Exception(Exception::OTHER_ERROR, "Invalid Signature");

// Use recovered message
//  MaxSignatureLength is likely larger than messageLength

RSA Probabilistic Signature Scheme with Recovery (Filter)


// Generate or Load keys
RSA::PrivateKey privateKey = ...;
RSA::PublicKey publicKey = ...; 

// Setup
string message = "RSA-PSSR Test", signature, recovered;    

// Sign and Encode
RSASS<PSSR, SHA1>::Signer signer(privateKey);

StringSource ss1(message, true,
    new SignerFilter(rng, signer,
        new StringSink(signature),
        true // putMessage for recovery
   ) // SignerFilter
); // StringSource

// Verify and Recover
RSASS<PSSR, SHA1>::Verifier verifier(publicKey);

StringSource ss2(signature, true,
    new SignatureVerificationFilter(
        new StringSink(recovered),
   ) // SignatureVerificationFilter
); // StringSource

cout << "Verified signature on message" << endl;

RSA Signature Scheme (PKCS v1.5)

RSA签名方案(PKCS v1.5)

Though similar to RSA-SSA, RSASSA_PKCS1v15_SHA_Signer and RSASSA_PKCS1v15_SHA_Verifier uses PKCS v1.5 padding. The MD2 and MD5 variants of RSASSA_PKCS1v15_<Digest>_Signer and RSASSA_PKCS1v15_<Digest>_Verifier should not be used.

虽然类似于RSA-SSA,RSASSA_PKCS1v15_SHA_Signer和RSASSA_PKCS1v15_SHA_Verifier使用PKCS v1.5填充。  MD2和MD5的变种RSASSA_PKCS1v15_ <Verifier > _Signer和RSASSA_PKCS1v15_ <Verifier > _Verifier不应使用。

AutoSeededRandomPool rng;

InvertibleRSAFunction parameters;
parameters.GenerateRandomWithKeySize(rng, 1536);

RSA::PrivateKey privateKey(parameters);
RSA::PublicKey publicKey(parameters);

// Message
string message = "Yoda said, Do or Do Not. There is no try.";

// Signer object
RSASSA_PKCS1v15_SHA_Signer signer(privateKey);

// Create signature space
size_t length = signer.MaxSignatureLength();
SecByteBlock signature(length);

// Sign message
length = signer.SignMessage(rng, (const byte*) message.c_str(),
    message.length(), signature);

// Resize now we know the true size of the signature

// Verifier object
RSASSA_PKCS1v15_SHA_Verifier verifier(publicKey);

// Verify
bool result = verifier.VerifyMessage((const byte*)message.c_str(),
    message.length(), signature, signature.size());

// Result
if(true == result) {
    cout << "Signature on message verified" << endl;
} else {
    cout << "Message verification failed" << endl;

RSA Signature Generation Given d and n


Given Integers d and n rather than a RSA::PrivateKey, perform the following to create a signer object [1]. Attempting to use a RSA::PrivateKey by calling Initialize (i.e., not factoring n) will result in an exception [2].


// Use InvertibleRSAFunction to factor ‘n‘
InvertibleRSAFunction params;
params.Initialize(n, e, d);



If the public exponent has been misplaced, common values for the exponent are 3 (Microsoft CAPI/C#), 17 (Crypto++), and 65535 (Java).

RSA Signature Verification Given e and n


Given Integers e and n rather than a RSA::PublicKey, perform the following to create a verifier object.

RSASS<PSS, SHA>::Verifier verifier(n, e);
RSASS<PSS, SHA>::Verifier verifier;
verifier.AccessKey().Initialize(n, e);


#include "md5.h"
#include "pssr.h"
#include <hex.h>
#include "rsa.h"
#include "osrng.h"

using namespace CryptoPP;
#pragma comment(lib, "cryptlib.lib")
using namespace std;

bool md5(const string &src, string &digest)
 Weak::MD5 md5;
 StringSource(src, true,
  new HashFilter(md5,
  new HexEncoder(new StringSink(digest))
 return true;

int main()
  // Generate keys
  AutoSeededRandomPool rng;

InvertibleRSAFunction parameters;
  parameters.GenerateRandomWithKeySize(rng, 1024);

RSA::PrivateKey privateKey(parameters);
  RSA::PublicKey publicKey(parameters);

// Message
  string message;
  string signature,md5_message;
  cout << "请输入要签名的内容:";
  cin >> message;
  cout << endl;
  md5(message, md5_message);   //将内容哈希

cout <<"将信息哈希为摘要:"<<endl<<endl<< md5_message << endl << endl;
  // Sign and Encode
  RSASS<PSS, SHA1>::Signer signer(privateKey);

StringSource(md5_message, true,
   new SignerFilter(rng, signer,
   new StringSink(signature)
   ) // SignerFilter
   ); // StringSource
  cout << signature << endl<<endl<<endl;
  // Verify and Recover
  RSASS<PSS, SHA1>::Verifier verifier(publicKey);

StringSource(md5_message + signature, true,
   new SignatureVerificationFilter(
   verifier, NULL,
   ) // SignatureVerificationFilter
   ); // StringSource

cout << "Verified signature on message" << endl;

} // try

catch (CryptoPP::Exception& e) {
  std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl;

return 0;


时间: 2024-12-19 22:45:42


go语言 RSA数字签名和验证签名

package main import ( "crypto" "crypto/rand" "crypto/rsa" "crypto/x509" "encoding/base64" "encoding/pem" "errors" "fmt" "io/ioutil" ) func main() { str := "from


JDK只支持MD2withRSA, MD5withRSA, SHA1withRSA 其他的如SHA512withRSA需要第三方包支持,如BC(bouncy castle) JDK的密钥长度默认仍是1024 1 package; 2 3 import; 4 import; 5 import


import; import; import; import; public class GenerateKeyPair { private String priKey; private String pubKey; public void run() { try {

Crypto++ RSA从字符串读取公私匙

string and StringSource (load): string spki = ...; StringSource ss(spki, true /*pumpAll*/); RSA::PublicKey publicKey; publicKey.Load(ss); vector and ArraySource (load): vector<byte> spki = ...; ArraySource as(&spki[0], spki.length(), true /*pump


在利用RSA进行数据加密时,出现如下异常: Exception in thread "main" javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException: Data must not be longer than 117 bytes at com.sun.crypto.provider.RSACipher.a(DashoA13*..) at com.sun.crypto.provider.RSACipher.engineDoFinal(DashoA13*..) a

【C#公共帮助类】给大家分享一些加密算法 (DES、HashCode、RSA、AES等)

AES 高级加密标准(英语:Advanced Encryption Standard,缩写:AES),在密码学中又称Rijndael加密法,是美国联邦政府采用的一种区块加密标准.这个标准用来替代原先的DES,已经被多方分析且广为全世界所使用.AES先进加密算法是一向被认为牢不可破的加密算法,针对这项加密算法的攻击是异常复杂的,事实上想要完全破解AES花费的时间要以数十亿年计,极大的保证了数据的安全性. 这里有两个加密.解密方法: 一种是带密钥的加密:一种是动态加密,就是不需要密钥,密钥被动态生成


该工具类中用到了BASE64,需要借助第三方类库:javabase64-1.3.1. jar 注意:RSA加密明文最大长度117字节,解密要求密文最大长度为128字节,所以在加密和解密的过程中需要分块进行. RSA加密对明文的长度是有限制的,如果加密数据过大会抛出如下异常: Exception in thread "main" javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException: Data must not be longer than 117 bytes a

java RSA加密生成license,用CPU序列号生成机器码

? license里就是一些注册信息,键值对组成的字符串 ? 对称加密: DES,AES,加密解密都用一个秘钥,速度快 非对称机密 RSA,可以私钥加密公钥解密,也可以公钥机密私钥解密,速度慢 注意:RSA加密明文最大长度117字节,解密要求密文最大长度为128字节,所以在加密和解密的过程中需要分块进行.RSA加密对明文的长度是有限制的,如果加密数据过大会抛出异常: ? 常见加密算法 DES? ??? DES是Data Encryption Standard(数据加密标准)的缩写,DES算法为密

java RSA加密解密

该工具类中用到了BASE64,需要借助第三方类库:javabase64-1.3.1. jar 注意: RSA加密明文最大长度117字节,解密要求密文最大长度为128字节,所以在加密和解密的过程中需要分块进行. RSA加密对明文的长度是有限制的,如果加密数据过大会抛出如下异常: Exception in thread "main" javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException: Data must not be longer than 117 bytes