Remove Old Kernels in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric ocelot)

When you’re running Ubuntu and updating your system frequently, there is a
high chance that older kernels that are no longer needed are still installed on
your system. Over time, if these older kernels are not removed, precious hard
disk space may be wasted and your system’s performance may suffer.

This brief tutorial will show you how to find out your current running kernel
and how to remove older ones that are not being used by your system. This will
help you free up some space and may also improve your system’s performance.


  • Find out your current running kernel

  • Remove older kernels

  • Enjoy!

To get started, press Ctrl – Alt –
T to open Terminal. When it opens, run the commands below to
view your current running kernel.

uname -r

Next, take notes of your current kernel. DO

Next, type the command below to view / list all installed kernels on your

dpkg --list | grep linux-image

Next, find all the kernels that which number are lower than your current
kernel.  When you know which kernel to remove, continue below to remove

Finally, run the commands below to remove the kernel you selected.

sudo apt-get purge linux-image-x.x.x.x-generic

When you’re done, run the commands below to update grub2

sudo update-grub2

That’s all.


时间: 2024-07-29 03:00:53

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