《Google File System》阅读总结

goals and assumptions

Google file system shares the same goals as previous distributed file systems:

  1. scalability

  2. performance

  3. reliability

  4. availability

However, it has special assumptions about application workloads and technological environment:

  1. Component fails are the normal other than the exception.

    system bugs, application bugs, user operation errors, hardware failures etc.

  2. Files are huge by traditional standards.

  3. File append operations are the most frequence operation.

arch overview

Master keeps all the meta data of the file system, while all the files are stored in chunk servers.

All the heavy operations(read, write, append) are performed directly between chunk servers and clients. Each chunk server serves some replicas of file system, thus pressures are balanced across the chunk server group(the key secret for building high-performance systems).


  data structure

  garbage collection

  Look at the above 2nd picture(GFS file system namespace), where there‘s a "delete timestamp". When a file/folder is deleted, gfs records the timestamp. Master‘s background‘s gc process will scan, discover and remove these files/folders, and all the related meta data(chunk handles, chunk locations).

  operation log and check point

  All the mutations on the file system are ensured sequenced(syncronized, no concurrent mutation) by master. The mutations are recorded into operation log. When master restarts, operation logs are used to rebuild the file system meta data. Check points are "snap shots" of meta data structures; it‘s used for building metas quickly, as operation logs can become quite large.

chunk server

  data structure



  mutation order

Look at above diagram, step 6 "send write order". When multiple clients write to a file concurrently(step 1~5), the primary chunk server decides a mutation order. It performs these mutations according to this order, then sends it to all other replica servers.

  normal mutation fail

If write failed on one replica, the whole write operation is considered failed(although others are successful). Write will be retried on all replicas. Because applying the same mutation on the same replica more than once will not produce a diffrent replica, so the retry operation will not affect the successful replicas.

  record append fail


Disk data may be corrupted for various reasons. Gfs uses check-sums to check data integrity. As we can see from the chunk server data structure diagram, a chunk server stores check-sums of replica‘s blocks. During read/write/append operations, check-sums are compared to detect data corruption.

When data corruption is raised, the corrupted replica will be discarded. Master will re-replicate to ensure enough replicas.

replica balance

Pressure distribution is key to high performance. So replica balance is very important. Master should have a topology graph of all its chunk servers and do replica balancing across machines, racks, swithces and diffrent network regions.

snap shot

stale replica

时间: 2024-08-28 15:53:04

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时间过得真快,一转眼,10天就过去了,感觉上次写阅读笔记的场景仿佛还历历在目.<代码阅读方法与实践>这本书真的很难写笔记,本来我看这本书的名字还以为书里大概写的都是些代码阅读的简易方法,心想着这就好写笔记了,没想到竟然好多都是我们之前学过的东西,这倒让我有点无从下手了.大概像我们这些还没有太多经历的大学生,总是习惯于尽量避免自己的工作量,总是试图找到一些完成事情的捷径吧.总之,尽管我不想承认,但我自己心里很清楚,我就是这种人.下面开始言归正传,说说接下来的几章内容归纳. 这本书在前面已经分析了

C# DataGridView 对指定行文字加粗实现阅读标记

在使用DataGridView控件放置通知等信息时,会遇到标记"已读"."未读"的问题.通过SQL语句查询出的结果中,"已读"."未读"会被放在一个专门的字段(DataGridView的列)中用来标记这个 条目的阅读情况.本文的目标就是要做到在显示上区分当前用户已读和未读的条目. 1.准备工作 建立一个C#窗体应用程序,里面放置一个Dock属性设置为Full的DataGridView 2.程序代码 在Load函数中,模拟生成了