[LintCode] Mini Twitter 迷你推特

Implement a simple twitter. Support the following method:

postTweet(user_id, tweet_text). Post a tweet.
getTimeline(user_id). Get the given user‘s most recently 10 tweets posted by himself, order by timestamp from most recent to least recent.
getNewsFeed(user_id). Get the given user‘s most recently 10 tweets in his news feed (posted by his friends and himself). Order by timestamp from most recent to least recent.
follow(from_user_id, to_user_id). from_user_id followed to_user_id.
unfollow(from_user_id, to_user_id). from_user_id unfollowed to to_user_id.

postTweet(1, "LintCode is Good!!!")
>> 1
>> [1]
>> [1]
follow(2, 1)
>> [1]
unfollow(2, 1)
>> []







class MiniTwitter {
    struct Node {
        int order;
        Tweet tweet;
        Node(int o, Tweet t): order(o), tweet(t){}

    vector<Node> getLastTen(vector<Node> t) {
        int last = 10;
        if (t.size() < 10) last = t.size();
        return vector<Node>(t.end() - last, t.end());

    vector<Node> getFirstTen(vector<Node> t) {
        int last = 10;
        if (t.size() < 10) last = t.size();
        return vector<Node>(t.begin(), t.begin() + last);

    MiniTwitter() {
        order = 0;

    // @param user_id an integer
    // @param tweet a string
    // return a tweet
    Tweet postTweet(int user_id, string tweet_text) {
        Tweet tweet = Tweet::create(user_id, tweet_text);
        if (!users_tweets.count(user_id)) users_tweets[user_id] = {};
        users_tweets[user_id].push_back(Node(order, tweet));
        return tweet;

    // @param user_id an integer
    // return a list of 10 new feeds recently
    // and sort by timeline
    vector<Tweet> getNewsFeed(int user_id) {
        vector<Node> t;
        if (users_tweets.count(user_id)) {
            t = getLastTen(users_tweets[user_id]);
        if (friends.count(user_id)) {
            for (auto it : friends[user_id]) {
                if (users_tweets.count(it)) {
                    vector<Node> v = getLastTen(users_tweets[it]);
                    t.insert(t.end(), v.begin(), v.end());
        sort(t.begin(), t.end(), [](const Node &a, const Node &b){return a.order > b.order;});
        vector<Tweet> res;
        t = getFirstTen(t);
        for (auto a : t) {
        return res;

    // @param user_id an integer
    // return a list of 10 new posts recently
    // and sort by timeline
    vector<Tweet>  getTimeline(int user_id) {
        vector<Node> t;
        if (users_tweets.count(user_id)) {
            t = getLastTen(users_tweets[user_id]);
        sort(t.begin(), t.end(), [](const Node &a, const Node &b){return a.order > b.order;});
        vector<Tweet> res;
        t = getFirstTen(t);
        for (auto a : t) {
        return res;

    // @param from_user_id an integer
    // @param to_user_id an integer
    // from user_id follows to_user_id
    void follow(int from_user_id, int to_user_id) {

    // @param from_user_id an integer
    // @param to_user_id an integer
    // from user_id unfollows to_user_id
    void unfollow(int from_user_id, int to_user_id) {

    unordered_map<int, set<int>> friends;
    unordered_map<int, vector<Node>> users_tweets;
    int order;



时间: 2024-12-29 17:27:00

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