Chapter1: Design the application architecture

1.1 Plan the application layers

提到了repository pattern,SoC(Separation of Concern),

进而提及MVC,Action/Action results,Route/Routing (IHttpHandler, MvcHandler, IControllerFactory),Asynchronous Controllers,Views (Strongly-typed views, View-specific model, partial view, Master page),Razor/WebForms view Engine

1.2 Design a distributed application

REST service vs ASP.NET Web Services (ASMX) vs WCF Web API

通过HttpService调用REST API,(为什么不是HttpClient?)

Hybrid application - Azure server + local app server/local db server via Azure AppFabric

3种Session管理模式:InProc(default)/OutProc(StateServer or SQLServer)

1.3 Deign and implement the Windows Azure role life cycle

startup tasks management by AppCmd

1.4 Configure state management

asp.net使用ViewState来管理state信息。 mvc使用以下方式保存state信息:

  • Cache - memory pool on server, shared across users
  • Session - stored on server, unique for each user
  • Cookie - stored on client, passed with each HTTP request to the server
  • QueryString - passed as part of the URL string
  • Context.Items - part of HttpContext and lasts only the lifetime of that request
  • Profile - stored in db and maintains information across sessions


  • 4k限制
  • support feature such as Remember Me.

Html5 Web Storage

  • browser compatible

1.5 Design a cache strategy


Donut caching support via Substitution api of

Donut hole caching:

  1. 在一个返回action的方法(ChildAction)上使用OutputCache属性
  2. 在父View中使用@Html.Action("ChildAction")

如果在Controller上使用OutputCache属性,那么所有支持GET request的方法都具有这个属性,其他的方法不受影响。


使用System.Runtime.Caching.dll的默认实现ObjectCache/MemoryCache,来实现data caching。

Html5支持Application Cache API(AppCache),

  1. 生成cache manifest,
  2. 在Layout.cshtml中reference manifest, 如<html manifest="site.manifest">
  3. 设置正确的MIME-type,Response.ContentType="text/cache-manifest"。

Http caching。

1.6 Design and implement a WebSocket strategy

通过hand shake建立WebSocket连接,server端通过HttpContext.Current.AcceptWebSocketRequests(Func<AspNetWebSocketContext, Task>)完成GET到WebSocket的upgrade。


1.7 Design HTTP modules and handlers

http module和http handler的区别

熟悉 mvc的default modules和handlers。

时间: 2024-10-17 06:58:55

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