ZOJ 2724 Windows 消息队列 (优先队列)


Message queue is the basic fundamental of windows system. For each process, the system maintains a message queue. If something happens to this process, such as mouse click, text change, the system will
add a message to the queue. Meanwhile, the process will do a loop for getting message from the queue according to the priority value if it is not empty. Note that the less priority value means the higher priority. In this problem, you are asked to simulate
the message queue for putting messages to and getting message from the message queue.


There‘s only one test case in the input. Each line is a command, "GET" or "PUT", which means getting message or putting message. If the command is "PUT", there‘re one string means the message name and
two integer means the parameter and priority followed by. There will be at most 60000 command. Note that one message can appear twice or more and if two messages have the same priority, the one comes first will be processed first.(i.e., FIFO for the same priority.)
Process to the end-of-file.


For each "GET" command, output the command getting from the message queue with the name and parameter in one line. If there‘s no message in the queue, output "EMPTY QUEUE!". There‘s no output for "PUT"

Sample Input

PUT msg1 10 5
PUT msg2 10 4

Sample Output

msg2 10
msg1 10

翻译:	消息队列是Windows操作系统的基石,对于每一个进程,系统维持了一个消息队列,如果一个进程发生了某一事件,如单击鼠标,文本改变,系统将增加一个消息到队列里,同时,如果队列里不是空的,那么,进程将一直循环的从队列里按优先值抓取消息,注意,数值小意味着高的优先级,在本题中,要求你模拟消息队列,把消息放到消息队列中,或从消息队列里抓取消息;
输出描述:对于每条“GET”指令,直接输出他抓取的消息的名称和参数在一行上,如果消息队列是空的,那么直接输出“EMPTY QUEUE!”,对于“PUT”指令,不需要输出什么;


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <queue>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;

struct Message {  //这里不要用typedef了,因为重载运算符参数类型Message不能识别;
    char Name[200];
    int data, priority;

    bool operator < (const Message a) const  //重载 < 运算符自定义排序准则;
        return a.priority < priority;

int main()
    priority_queue <Message> v; //定义一个优先队列的对象;
    char command[200];

    while(~scanf("%s", command)) {  //输入命令;
        Message message;
        if(strcmp(command, "GET") == 0) {
            if(v.size() == 0) {      //队列为空;
                printf("EMPTY QUEUE!\n");  //使用cout<<"EMPTY QUEUE"<<endl;不会超时;
            }else {
                printf("%s %d\n", v.top().Name, v.top().data); //使用cout<<v.top().Name<<v.top().data会超时;
                v.pop();    //出队列操作,即将当前消息清除;
        }else if(strcmp(command, "PUT") == 0) {
            scanf("%s %d %d", message.Name, &message.data, &message.priority);
            v.push(message);   //入列;
    return 0;

ZOJ 2724 Windows 消息队列 (优先队列),布布扣,bubuko.com

时间: 2024-12-25 17:35:49

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zoj 2724 Windows Message Queue(使用priority_queue容器模拟消息队列)

题目链接: http://acm.zju.edu.cn/onlinejudge/showProblem.do?problemCode=2724 题目描述: Message queue is the basic fundamental of windows system. For each process, the system maintains a message queue. If something happens to this process, such as mouse click,

windows 消息队列

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1.windows消息和消息结构 一条消息是作为一个结构传递给应用程序的,这个结构中,包含了消息号,消息的类型,字参数和长字参数等信息.结构定义如下: typedef struct tagMSG { HWND hwnd; UINT message; WPARAM wParam; LPARAM lParam; DWORD time; POINT pt; } MSG; 第一个成员变量hwnd表示消息所属的窗口.在Windows程序中,用HWND类型的变量来标识窗口. 第二个成员变量message指定


Config中appSettings配置: <--本地消息队列时 value=".\PRIVATE$\MgrApiRequest"/>--> <add key="RequestQueueName" value="FormatName:Direct=TCP:\PRIVATE$\MgrApiRequest" /> 消息队列连接,将order类资料加入消息队列中: MessageQueue m


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7-20 Windows消息队列 (25 分)(模拟水题)

题意: ? 思路: 用优先队列直接模拟就OK了,另外优先队列存pair的时候比较的是first的值,实测!! ? 上代码: 1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <queue> 3 #include <cstdio> 4 #include <algorithm> 5 #include <cmath> 6 #include <cstring> 7 #include <queue> 8 #inclu