Removing Netbackup Server Software From Unix

To remove NetBackup from UNIX servers

1 Log on as the root user on the server.

2 Perform a catalog backup.

3 If the NetBackup Administration Console is open, you must close it now.

4 Save all important data from any add-on products that you have installed.

5 Stop the NetBackup/Media Manager daemons with the following command:


6 Identify any installed add-on products by using the following command:

AIX lslpp -L

HP-UX swlist

Linux rpm -qa

Solaris pkginfo

Seven add-on products can be installed on the server. They are:








Remove any add-on products found.

7 For Solaris systems only, run the following command:

/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver/sg.install -deinstall


8 To unregister NetBackup from the VxUL master configuration that is stored in

the /etc/vx/vrtslog.conf file, run the following command:

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/vxlogcfg -r -p 51216

The -p option specifies the product ID, which is 51216 for NetBackup.

9 If BMR is supported and enabled on the server, remove the associated files

with the following command:

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bmrsetupmaster -undo -f

Removing NetBackup server software 128

Removing NetBackup from UNIX servers

10 To unregister all NetBackup products with LiveUpdate, enter the following


/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nblu_registration -r

11 If you moved the NBDB files from their default installation location, you must

delete these files manually as follows:

■ Navigate to the following directory where the NBDB files reside:


■ Open the vxdbms.conf file.

This file contains a list of the database-related files and the path for each


■ Delete each of the database-related files.

12 If NetBackup Fibre Transport is supported and enabled on the server, remove

the associated files with the following command:

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbftsrv_config -d

13 For the clients that support PureDisk, remove all PureDisk files with the following



14 For the clients that support MSDP, remove all MSDP files with the following


/opt/pdde/ -basedir /usr/openv/pdde/ -ostdir

/usr/openv/lib/ost/plugins/ -forceclean

Note: Be aware the preceding command is a single command which takes

three parameters (basedir , , ostdir, and forceclean ), and two directory

parameters take paths as input.

15 To remove the NetBackup server package, run the following command:

AIX installp -u SYMCnetbp

HP-UX swremove SYMCnetbp

Linux rpm -e SYMCnetbp

Removing NetBackup server software 129

Removing NetBackup from UNIX servers

pkgrm SYMCnetbp

■ When the script asks if you want to remove the

installed package SYMCnetbp, enter y and press


■ When the script asks if you want to continue with

the package removal using superuser permission,

enter y and press Enter.


16 Remove the NetBackup-Java Display Console by using the appropriate native

command as follows:

AIX installp -u SYMCnbjava

HP-UX swremove SYMCnbjava

Linux rpm -e SYMCnbjava

Solaris pkgrm SYMCnbjava

17 Remove the NetBackup Java Runtime Environment by using the appropriate

native command as follows:

AIX installp -u SYMCnbjre

HP-UX swremove SYMCnbjre

Linux rpm -e SYMCnbjre

Solaris pkgrm SYMCnbjre

18 Remove the NetBackup client by using the appropriate native command as


AIX installp -u SYMCnbclt

HP-UX swremove SYMCnbclt

Linux rpm -e SYMCnbclt

Solaris pkgrm SYMCnbclt

Removing NetBackup server software 130

Removing NetBackup from UNIX servers

19 Remove PBX with the appropriate native command as follows:

Note: Remember, you should not remove PBX if your server uses other

Symantec software products that require PBX to run.

AIX installp -u VRTSpbx

HP-UX swremove VRTSpbx

Linux rpm -e VRTSpbx

Solaris pkgrm VRTSpbx

20 To remove the /usr/openv directory, select one of the following methods:

Warning: The rm -f /usr/openv command also removes any add-on products

that are installed on the computer where you perform this command.

■ If /usr/openv is the actual directory, run the following command:

rm -rf /usr/openv

■ If /usr/openv is a symbolic link to that directory, run the following


cd /usr/openv



Warning: Before you continue, make sure that you are at the correct location

and verify that the subdirectories are what you expect them to be. To help

prevent removing the wrong directories, the previous commands verify your

current location and list the files in that directory. After you verify the directory

location and its contents, remove the directory with the next commands.

rm -rf *

cd /

rm -f /usr/openv

Removing NetBackup server software 131

Removing NetBackup from UNIX servers

Note: Depending on your operating system, you may need to use the rmdir

command to remove the /usr/openv directory.

rmdir /usr/openv

21 For Linux systems only:

If you modified the startup and the shutdown scripts, run the following command:

/sbin/chkconfig –del netbackup

See “About NetBackup startup and shutdown scripts” on page 113.

Removing NetBackup server software 132

Removing NetBackup from UNIX servers

22 Remove the following startup scripts:

On AIX systems: /etc/rc.netbackup.aix




On HP-UX systems:



On Linux Debian






On Linux Red Hat







The following startup scripts appear only if NetBackup Fiber

Transport was enabled on the server:








Removing NetBackup server software 133

Removing NetBackup from UNIX servers







The following startup scripts appear only if NetBackup Fiber

Transport was enabled on the server:








On Linux SUSE systems:





The following startup scripts appear only if NetBackup Fiber

Transport was enabled on the server:





On other servers:

23 For AIX systems only:

■ In the /etc/inittab file, remove the following NetBackup entry:


■ In the /etc/rc.shutdown file, remove the following line:

/etc/rc.netbackup.aix stop

24 Remove Symantec LiveUpdate components as follows:

■ If NetBackup is the only Symantec product that currently uses LiveUpdate,

run the following command:

/opt/Symantec/LiveUpdate/ -a

Removing NetBackup server software 134

Removing NetBackup from UNIX servers

■ If LiveUpdate is the only product installed in the /opt/Symantec directory,

remove the following files:

rm -f /etc/Symantec.conf

rm -f /etc/Product.Catalog.JavaLiveUpdate

25 To remove the NetBackup-Java application state data for the root account, run

the appropriate command as follows:

Warning: Do not insert a space between the slash character (/) and the period

or the dot character (.) of /.veritas . A space between these characters

removes all of your files from the root level and beyond.

■ To remove the NetBackup-Java application state data for the root account

for all releases, run the following command:

/bin/rm -rf /.veritas

■ To remove the NetBackup-Java application state data for the root account

for a specific release, run the following command:

/bin/rm -rf /.veritas/java/ <version>

Where <version> is the six-digit NetBackup version number. For example,

NetBackup version 7.6 with no upgrades applied would be entered as


26 Inform NetBackup-Java users that they can remove their $HOME/.veritas


The $HOME/.veritas and the $HOME/.veritas/java directories contain

application state information, that is saved when the user exits NetBackup-Java

applications. The saved information includes table column order and size. The

process removes this directory for the root user only.

The common subdirectory in $HOME/.veritas/java/.userPrefs/vrts can

be removed.

27 If you enabled NetBackup Access Control, NetBackup placed several files on

clients and servers. These files can be divided into the following categories:

NetBackup application These files are removed with NetBackup.

temporary files

Removing NetBackup server software 135

Removing NetBackup from UNIX servers

These cache files reside in the $HOME/.vxss directory.

Inform all users that they can remove this directory.

Files are generated in the /.vxss directory by a Single

Sign-On operation of the NetBackup Administration

Console on the host where the console runs. The

NetBackup Administration Console cleans these files

when an exit function is performed, so the directory does

not always contain temporary files. However, if a system

crash were to occur, any files in the directory may be

left behind. With the console shutdown , you can delete

these files safely with no data loss.

NetBackup also creates cached certificates for client

and server NetBackup applications. These files reside

within the /.vxss directory. These files typically have

a name that is consistent with a DNS entry for a network

interface, as in Example

directory entries are as follows:



These files are created with the command bpnbat

-LoginMachine. If you plan to reinstall NetBackup on

the same computer at a later date, do one of the


■ Preserve the certificates in the vxss/credentials


■ If you do not preserve the certificates, you must

provide the computer identity password as originally

set on the Root+AB broker. As an alternative, you

can reset the password on the Root+AB broker when

you reinstall.

For more information on Root+AB brokers, see the

NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide .

For more information on NetBackup Access Control and

how to remove it, see the NetBackup Security and

Encryption Guide.

时间: 2025-01-12 08:22:24

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