MySQLdb autocommit的坑


sql = "update %s.account_operation set status=1 where username=‘%s‘" % (allResDBInfos[‘db‘], username)



update suspects.account_operation set status=1 where username=‘[email protected]‘


语句没问题,数据库中也存在username为‘[email protected]‘的记录,并且手动执行也是正确的(status被正确的更新为1)






My data disappeared! (or won‘t go away!)

Starting with 1.2.0, MySQLdb disables autocommit by default, as required by the DB-API standard (PEP-249). If you are using InnoDB tables or some other type of transactional table type, you‘ll need to do connection.commit() before closing the connection, or else none of your changes will be written to the database.

Conversely, you can also use connection.rollback() to throw away any changes you‘ve made since the last commit.

Important note: Some SQL statements -- specifically DDL statements like CREATE TABLE -- are non-transactional, so they can‘t be rolled back, and they cause pending transactions to commit.


时间: 2024-10-29 00:32:17

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