Material Design系列第一篇——Creating Apps with Material Design

Creating Apps with Material Design

Material design is a comprehensive guide for visual, motion, and interaction design across platforms and devices. To use material design in your Android apps, follow the guidelines described in the material design specification and use the new components and functionality available in Android 5.0 (API level 21).

This class shows you how to create material design apps with the following elements:

  • The material theme
  • Widgets for cards and lists
  • Custom shadows and view clipping
  • Vector drawables
  • Custom animations

This class also teaches you how to maintain compatibility with versions of Android earlier than 5.0 (API level 21) when you use material design features in your app.


Getting Started
Learn how to update your app with material design features.
Using the Material Theme
Learn how to apply material design styles to your app.
Creating Lists and Cards
Learn how to create lists and cards with a consistent look and feel using system widgets.
Defining Shadows and Clipping Views
Learn how to set elevation for your views to create custom shadows and how to clip views.
Working with Drawables
Learn how to create vector drawables and how to tint drawable resources.
Defining Custom Animations
Learn how to create custom animations for views and activity transitions with shared elements.
Maintaining Compatibility
Learn how to maintain compatibility with platform versions earlier than Android 5.0.
时间: 2024-07-31 14:25:58

Material Design系列第一篇——Creating Apps with Material Design的相关文章

Material Design系列第二篇——Getting Started

Getting Started This lesson teaches you to Apply the Material Theme Design Your Layouts Specify Elevation in Your Views Create Lists and Cards Customize Your Animations You should also read Material design specification Material design on Android To


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Creating Apps With Material Design —— Using the Material Theme

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