
When the -p option is given the (portable) output format

real %e

user %U

sys %S

time - time a simple command or give resource usage   #一个简单的命令或提供资源使用

[[email protected] ~]# time

real    0m0.000s

user    0m0.000s

sys     0m0.000s

%e     (Not in tcsh.) Elapsed real time (in seconds).   #(不是在tcsh。)真正的时间(以秒为单位)。

%S     Total number of CPU-seconds that the process spent in kernel mode.  #CPU在内核模式的过程中秒总数。

%U     Total number of CPU-seconds that the process spent in user mode.    #CPU在用户模式的过程中秒总数。

1)实际时间(real time): 从command命令行开始执行到运行终止的消逝时间;

2)用户CPU时间(user CPU time): 命令执行完成花费的用户CPU时间,即命令在用户态中执行时间总和;

3)系统CPU时间(system CPU time): 命令执行完成花费的系统CPU时间,即命令在核心态中执行时间总和。


使用-p 参数后的时间显示格式为NN.FF,其单位为秒。

[[email protected] ~]# time -p find . -name "mysql.sh"

real 0.00

user 0.00

sys 0.00

[[email protected] ~]# man time

TIME(1)                                                                TIME(1)


time - time a simple command or give resource usage


time [options] command [arguments...]


The  time  command  runs  the  specified  program command with the given arguments.  When command finishes, time

writes a message to standard error giving timing statistics about this program run.  These statistics consist of

(i)  the  elapsed real time between invocation and termination, (ii) the user CPU time (the sum of the tms_utime

and tms_cutime values in a struct tms as returned by times(2)), and (iii) the system CPU time (the  sum  of  the

tms_stime and tms_cstime values in a struct tms as returned by times(2)).

Note: some shells (e.g., bash(1)) have a built-in time command that provides less functionality than the command

described  here.   To  access  the  real  command,  you  may  need  to  specify  its  pathname  (something  like



-p     When in the POSIX locale, use the precise traditional format

"real %f\nuser %f\nsys %f\n"

(with  numbers in seconds) where the number of decimals in the output for %f is unspecified but is suffi-

cient to express the clock tick accuracy, and at least one.


The variables LANG, LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE, LC_MESSAGES, LC_NUMERIC, NLSPATH and PATH are used. The last one to search

for command.  The remaining ones for the text and formatting of the output.


If  command was invoked, the exit status is that of command.  Otherwise it is 127 if command could not be found,

126 if it could be found but could not be invoked, and some other non-zero value (1-125) if something else  went





Below  a  description of the GNU 1.7 version of time.  Disregarding the name of the utility, GNU makes it output

lots of useful information, not only about time used, but also on other resources like memory, I/O and IPC calls

(where  available).   The output is formatted using a format string that can be specified using the -f option or

the TIME environment variable.

The default format string is

%Uuser %Ssystem %Eelapsed %PCPU (%Xtext+%Ddata %Mmax)k

%Iinputs+%Ooutputs (%Fmajor+%Rminor)pagefaults %Wswaps

When the -p option is given the (portable) output format

real %e

user %U

sys %S

is used.

The format string

The format is interpreted in the usual printf-like way.  Ordinary characters are directly copied,  tab,  newline

and  backslash are escaped using \t, \n and \\, a percent sign is represented by %%, and otherwise % indicates a

conversion. The program time will always add a trailing newline itself.  The conversions follow.  All  of  those

used by tcsh(1) are supported.


%E     Elapsed real time (in [hours:]minutes:seconds).    #真正的时间((小时:分钟:秒)。

%e     (Not in tcsh.) Elapsed real time (in seconds).  #(不是在tcsh。)真正的时间(以秒为单位)。

%S     Total number of CPU-seconds that the process spent in kernel mode.  #CPU在内核模式的过程中秒总数。

%U     Total number of CPU-seconds that the process spent in user mode.   #CPU在用户模式的过程中秒总数。                                                                                 Sat May 31 22:24:40 2014

%P     Percentage of the CPU that this job got, computed as (%U + %S) / %E.  #比例的CPU,这份工作,计算(% U + % S)/ % E。


%M     Maximum resident set size of the process during its lifetime, in Kbytes.   #在运行周期内最大驻留集的进程,单位是kb。

%t     (Not in tcsh.) Average resident set size of the process, in Kbytes.  #(不是在tcsh。)平均驻留集大小在进程中,单位是kb。

%K     Average total (data+stack+text) memory use of the process, in Kbytes.   #平均总(数据+栈+文本)进程的内存使用,在kb。

%D     Average size of the process‘s unshared data area, in Kbytes.   #进程的平均尺寸的非共享数据区

%p     (Not in tcsh.) Average size of the process‘s unshared stack space, in Kbytes.  #(不是在tcsh。)过程的平均尺寸的非共享栈空间,在kb。

%X     Average size of the process‘s shared text space, in Kbytes.  #进程的共享文本空间的平均大小,kb。

%Z     (Not  in tcsh.) System‘s page size, in bytes.  This is a per-system constant, but varies between systems.


%F     Number of major page faults that occurred while the process was running.  These are faults where the page

has to be read in from disk.


%R     Number  of  minor,  or recoverable, page faults.  These are faults for pages that are not valid but which

have not yet been claimed by other virtual pages.  Thus the data in the page is still valid but the  sys-

tem tables must be updated.


%W     Number of times the process was swapped out of main memory.


%c     Number of times the process was context-switched involuntarily (because the time slice expired).


%w     Number  of waits: times that the program was context-switched voluntarily, for instance while waiting for

an I/O operation to complete.

#:等待的次数,该项目被自愿交换上下文,例如在等待I / O操作完成。


%I     Number of file system inputs by the process.   #一些文件系统输入的过程。

%O     Number of file system outputs by the process.   #一些文件系统输出的过程。

%r     Number of socket messages received by the process.  #套接字接收到的消息的过程。

%s     Number of socket messages sent by the process.    #套接字发送的消息数量的过程。

%k     Number of signals delivered to the process.     #数量的信号传递过程。

%C     (Not in tcsh.) Name and command line arguments of the command being timed.


%x     (Not in tcsh.) Exit status of the command.



-f FORMAT, --format=FORMAT

Specify output format, possibly overriding the format specified in the environment variable TIME.

-p, --portability

Use the portable output format.

-o FILE, --output=FILE

Do not send the results to stderr, but overwrite the specified file.

-a, --append

(Used together with -o.) Do not overwrite but append.

-v, --verbose

Give very verbose output about all the program knows about.


--help Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully.

-V, --version

Print version information on standard output, then exit successfully.

--     Terminate option list.


Not all resources are measured by all versions of Unix, so some of the values might be reported  as  zero.   The

present selection was mostly inspired by the data provided by 4.2 or 4.3BSD.

GNU time version 1.7 is not yet localized.  Thus, it does not implement the POSIX requirements.

The  environment  variable  TIME  was  badly chosen.  It is not unusual for systems like autoconf or make to use

environment variables with the name of a utility to override the utility to be used. Uses like MORE or TIME  for

options to programs (instead of program pathnames) tend to lead to difficulties.

It seems unfortunate that -o overwrites instead of appends.  (That is, the -a option should be the default.)

Mail suggestions and bug reports for GNU time to

[email protected]

Please include the version of time, which you can get by running

time --version

and the operating system and C compiler you used.


tcsh(1), times(2), wait3(2)


David Keppel

Original version

David MacKenzie

POSIXization,  autoconfiscation,  GNU  getoptization,  documentation, other bug fixes and improve-


Arne Henrik Juul

Helped with portability

Francois Pinard

Helped with portability

2000-12-11                           TIME(1)

时间: 2024-12-08 01:44:34



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1.sed命令小结 Sed是一个非交互式文本编辑器,它可对文本文件和标准输入进行编辑,标准输入可以是来自键盘输入.文件重定向.字符串.变量,甚至来自管道的文本.Sed从文本的一个文本行或标准输入中读取数据,将其复制到缓冲区,然后读取命令行或脚本的第一个命令,对此命令要求的行号进行编辑,重复此过程,直到命令行或脚本中的所有命令都执行完毕.相对于vi等其他文本编辑器,sed可以一次性处理所有的编辑任务,显得非常高效,为用户节省了大量的时间. 1. 语法:sed [OPTION]... {script