

功能                          依赖组件                 相关参数                          典型错误

query                         undo tbs                   undo_retention                dml

version query           undo tbs                   undo_retention                dml

flashback table        undo tbs                   undo_retention                dml

flashback drop         recyclebin                 recyclebin, freespace      drop table

transaction query    supplemental log                                                dml

fda                             flashback archive                                                dml

database                   flashback log            db_flashback_retention_target      ddl


SQL> create user user01 identified by password;

SQL> grant dba to user01;

SQL> conn user01/password

flashback query


SQL> create table t1(x int);

SQL> create index t1_x_idx on t1(x);

SQL> insert into t1 values (1);

SQL> commit;

SQL> select sysdate from dual;

SQL> select dbms_flashback.get_system_change_number from dual;

SQL> delete t1;

SQL> commit;

SQL> select * from t1;

SQL> select * from t1 as of scn 1446069;

SQL> select * from t1 as of timestamp to_timestamp(‘2015-10-28 10:31:54‘, ‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘);

SQL> truncate table t1;或alter table t1 move;或收缩数据文件

SQL> select * from t1 as of scn 1446069;                物理结构变化,闪回失败


flashback version query

SQL> create table t1(x int);

SQL> insert into t1 values (1);

SQL> commit;

SQL> update t1 set x=2;

SQL> commit;

SQL> update t1 set x=3;

SQL> commit;

SQL> update t1 set x=4;

SQL> commit;

SQL> select versions_starttime, versions_endtime, versions_xid, versions_operation, x

from t1

versions between scn minvalue and maxvalue

order by versions_starttime;

versions between timestamp to_timestamp(‘2015-10-28 9:00:00‘, ‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘) and to_timestamp(‘2015-10-28 10:00:00‘, ‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘)

SQL> truncate table t1;            物理结构改变,查询失败

flashback table

SQL> conn user01/password

SQL> create table my_dept(deptno int primary key, dname varchar2(20));

SQL> create table my_emp(empno int primary key, deptno int references my_dept);

SQL> insert into my_dept values (10, ‘sales‘);

SQL> insert into my_emp values (100, 10);

SQL> commit;

SQL> select dbms_flashback.get_system_change_number from dual;

SQL> delete my_emp;

SQL> delete my_dept;

SQL> commit;

SQL> alter table my_dept enable row movement;

SQL> alter table my_emp enable row movement;

SQL> flashback table my_emp to scn 1451706;              失败

SQL> flashback table my_dept to scn 1451706;

SQL> flashback table my_emp to scn 1451706;

SQL> select INDEX_NAME, STATUS from user_indexes where table_name=‘MY_EMP‘;自动维护索引

SQL> select INDEX_NAME, STATUS from user_indexes where table_name=‘MY_DEPT‘;

SQL> truncate table my_emp;

SQL> flashback table my_emp to scn 1451706;              失败

flashback drop

SQL> show parameter recyclebin

SQL> purge recyclebin;     清空回收站

SQL> create tablespace tbs01 datafile ‘/home/oracle/tbs01.dbf‘ size 5M;

SQL> create table t1 tablespace tbs01 as select * from dba_objects where rownum<=20000;

SQL> create index t1_object_id_idx on t1(object_id) tablespace tbs01;

SQL> select INDEX_NAME from user_indexes where TABLE_NAME=‘T1‘;

SQL> drop table t1;

SQL> select table_name from user_tables;

SQL> show recyclebin

SQL> select object_name, original_name, type, droptime from user_recyclebin;        包含index

SQL> select count(*) from "BIN$IyKOcy5jPo7gUwEAqMCBEg==$0";

SQL> flashback table t1 to before drop;

SQL> select INDEX_NAME from user_indexes where TABLE_NAME=‘T1‘;

SQL> alter index "BIN$LRyc7hA1JaPgUwEAqMDzWw==$0" rename to T1_OBJECT_ID_IDX;       恢复index名称


SQL> flashback table "BIN$IyKOcy5jPo7gUwEAqMCBEg==$0" to before drop;

SQL> flashback table t1 to before drop rename to t2;

SQL> drop table t1;

SQL> show recyclebin              在回收站中

SQL> create table t2 tablespace tbs01 as select * from dba_objects where rownum<=30000;

SQL> show recyclebin              t1被覆盖

SQL> drop table t2 purge;

SQL> purge recyclebin

flashback transaction query

SQL> alter database add supplemental log data;

SQL> alter database add supplemental log data (primary key) columns;

SQL> create table t1(x int);

SQL> insert into t1 values (1);

SQL> commit;

SQL> update t1 set x=11 where x=1;               误操作的事务

SQL> commit;

SQL> insert into t1 values (2);

SQL> commit;

select versions_starttime, versions_endtime, versions_xid, versions_operation, x

from t1

versions between scn minvalue and maxvalue

order by versions_starttime;          获取误操作事务的xid

SQL> select UNDO_SQL, OPERATION from flashback_transaction_query where xid=‘02000F0059040000‘;

flashback database

SQL> shutdown immediate

SQL> startup mount

SQL> alter database flashback on;          数据库在归档模式下

SQL> show parameter db_flashback_retention_target

SQL> select OLDEST_FLASHBACK_TIME from v$flashback_database_log;

SQL> create table t1(x int);

SQL> insert into t1 values (1);

SQL> commit;

SQL> select dbms_flashback.get_system_change_number from dual;   获取scn

SQL> truncate table t1;

SQL> create table after_truncate(x int);         其他正确操作

SQL> select OLDEST_FLASHBACK_TIME, OLDEST_FLASHBACK_SCN from v$flashback_database_log;         确认是否在恢复范围

SQL> shutdown abort

SQL> startup mount

SQL> flashback database to scn 1495195;

SQL> alter database open resetlogs;

SQL> select * from t1;

SQL> select * from after_truncate;         消失



SQL> create table t1(id int constraint t1_id_pk primary key, name varchar2(20), salary int constraint t1_salary_ck check(salary>0));

$ vi ~/loader.dat






SQL> select CONSTRAINT_NAME, STATUS from user_constraints where TABLE_NAME=‘T1‘;

SQL> select INDEX_NAME, STATUS from user_indexes where TABLE_NAME=‘T1‘;

SQL> alter table t1 enable validate constraint T1_SALARY_CK;              失败

SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/utlexpt1.sql


SQL> alter table t1 enable validate constraint T1_SALARY_CK exceptions into exceptions;

SQL> select * from t1 where rowid in(select ROW_ID from exceptions);

SQL> update t1 set salary=abs(salary) where id=102;

SQL> truncate table exceptions;

SQL> alter table t1 enable validate constraint T1_SALARY_CK exceptions into exceptions;


SQL> alter table t1 disable novalidate constraint T1_ID_PK;

SQL> alter table t1 enable validate constraint T1_ID_PK exceptions into exceptions;

SQL> select * from t1 where rowid in(select ROW_ID from exceptions);

SQL> update t1 set id=101 where name=‘def‘;

SQL> truncate table exceptions;

SQL> alter table t1 enable validate constraint T1_ID_PK exceptions into exceptions;

SQL> select INDEX_NAME, STATUS from user_indexes where TABLE_NAME=‘T1‘;


oracle_datapump driver


CREATE TABLE oe.inventories_xt





LOCATION (‘inv_xt.dmp‘)


AS SELECT * FROM oe.inventories;

SQL> delete oe.inventories_xt;               失败


CREATE TABLE oe.inventories_xt2


product_id          NUMBER(6),

warehouse_id        NUMBER(3),

quantity_on_hand    NUMBER(8)






LOCATION (‘inv_xt.dmp‘)


SQL> delete oe.inventories_xt2;             失败

时间: 2024-12-24 18:21:00



1 int i = 9; 2 Console.WriteLine("{0}", i == 1); 3 Console.WriteLine("{0}", i = 1); 4 Console.ReadKey(); 5 //输出falese和1. C#中赋值表达式也有值,它的值表示为赋值后变量的值 1 string s = Console.ReadLine(); 2 if (s == "1") 3 { 4 Console.WriteLine("

《TCP/IP详解卷1:协议》第17、18章 TCP:传输控制协议(2)-读书笔记

章节回顾: <TCP/IP详解卷1:协议>第1章 概述-读书笔记 <TCP/IP详解卷1:协议>第2章 链路层-读书笔记 <TCP/IP详解卷1:协议>第3章 IP:网际协议(1)-读书笔记 <TCP/IP详解卷1:协议>第3章 IP:网际协议(2)-读书笔记 <TCP/IP详解卷1:协议>第4章 ARP:地址解析协议-读书笔记 <TCP/IP详解卷1:协议>第5章 RARP:逆地址解析协议-读书笔记 <TCP/IP详解卷1:协


今天因为要在tomcat下运行一个java项目,第一次嘛,遇到了不少问题,总结分享一下: 第一次,我直接将 MyEclipse 生成的项目放到 tomcat 安装目录的 webapps 目录下,运行出现404,无法访问. 然后想了想,发现这是个错误的做法.应该先通过 MyEclipse 将项目部署到 Tomcat 下: 然后, MyEclipse 自带了 tomcat,我要配置自己安装的 TomCat : (请看参考资料:http://jingyan.baidu.com/article/4853

10.15 iptables filter表案例 10.16/10.17/10.18 iptables nat表应用

10.15 iptables filter表案例 10.16/10.17/10.18 iptables nat表应用 扩展 iptables应用在一个网段 http://www.aminglinux.com/bbs/thread-177-1-1.html sant,dnat,masquerade http://www.aminglinux.com/bbs/thread-7255-1-1.html iptables限制syn速率 http://www.aminglinux.com/bbs/thre

《TCP/IP详解卷1:协议》第17、18章 TCP:传输控制协议(1)-读书笔记

章节回顾: <TCP/IP详解卷1:协议>第1章 概述-读书笔记 <TCP/IP详解卷1:协议>第2章 链路层-读书笔记 <TCP/IP详解卷1:协议>第3章 IP:网际协议(1)-读书笔记 <TCP/IP详解卷1:协议>第3章 IP:网际协议(2)-读书笔记 <TCP/IP详解卷1:协议>第4章 ARP:地址解析协议-读书笔记 <TCP/IP详解卷1:协议>第5章 RARP:逆地址解析协议-读书笔记 <TCP/IP详解卷1:协

SICP 1.16 1.17 1.18

解: 公共过程 (define (even? n)   (= (remainder n 2) 0)) (define (double n)   (+ n n)) (define (halve n)   (/ n 2)) 1.16: (define (expt b n)   (define (iter b n a)     (cond ((= n 0) a)           ((even? n) (iter (* b b) (/ n 2) a))           (else (iter b

NOIP模拟 17.8.18

NOIP模拟17.8.18 A.小菜一碟的背包[题目描述]Blice和阿强巴是好朋友但萌萌哒Blice不擅长数学,所以阿强巴给了她一些奶牛做练习阿强巴有 n头奶牛,每头奶牛每天可以产一定量的奶,同时也需要一定量的草作为饲料对于第 i头奶牛来说,它每天可以产 vi升的奶,同时需要 wi千克的草作为饲料现在来自蚯蚓国的九条可怜想借一些奶牛,使借走的这些奶牛每天的总产奶量最大,但九条可怜很穷,每天最多只能提供W千克的草作为饲料,而且她还需要对付跳蚤国的神刀手,所以她把这个问题交给了阿强巴,不不不……阿

10.15 iptables filter表案例 10.16/10.17/10.18 iptable

七周四次课 10.15 iptables filter表案例 10.16/10.17/10.18 iptables nat表应用 10.15 iptables filter表案例 10.16/10.17/10.18 iptables nat表应用 打开端口转发, 调整内核参数 增加一条规则 所添加的规则 B机器设置默认网关 设置公共DNS C设备与A通信,通过端口转换的形式,将原有iptables清空 上面为进来的包进行转换,下面为出去的包进行转换 原文地址:http://blog.51cto.

2016/08/18 select

1.//得到select项的个数 2.jQuery.fn.size = function(){ 3. return jQuery(this).get(0).options.length; 4.} 5. 6.//获得选中项的索引 7.jQuery.fn.getSelectedIndex = function(){ 8. return jQuery(this).get(0).selectedIndex; 9.} 10. 11.//获得当前选中项的文本 12.jQuery.fn.getSelected