[Vue + TS] Create your own Decorators in Vue with TypeScript

We’ve used @Watch, @Inject and more decorators from vue-property-decorator. In this lesson however we will guide you through creating your own decorators in order to add common functionality to your Vue components using TypeScript.


import {createDecorator} from ‘vue-class-component‘

Define a decorator:

const Log = (msg) => {
  return createDecorator((component, key) => {
    console.log("#Component", component);
    console.log("#Key", key); //log
    console.log("#Msg", msg); //App

Using it:

  @Log(‘fullMessage get called‘)
  get fullMessage() {
    return `${this.message} from Typescript`


#Component Object {directives: Object, components: Object, name: "Hello", methods: Object, computed: Object…}
#Key fullMessage
#Msg fullMessage get called
时间: 2024-11-06 13:40:57

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在sublime 编辑器中,安装插件 Vue Syntax Hightlight,高亮识别Vue.js 的单文件组件(*.vue)

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