Checking the content of the pointer

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客户端验证是网页客户端程序最常用的功能之一,我们之前使用了各种各样的js库来进行表单的验证.HTML5其实早已为我们提供了表单验证的功能.至于为啥没有流行起来估计是兼容性的问题还有就是样式太丑陋了吧. 下面我们将来一步一步创造一个HTML5和CSS3的表单验证,只使用HTML和CSS. 完成后的如下: 第一步:整理验证字段和类型 首先我们需要如下几个字段: 姓名(full name) 电话号码(phone number) 邮箱地址(email address) 网址(website) 在用户输入

HTML5 CSS3 专题 :诱人的实例 3D展示商品信息

强化下perspective和transform:translateZ的使用方法.传统的商品展示也许并不能非常好的吸引用户的注意力,可是假设在展示中加入适当的3D元素,~说不定效果不错哈~ 效果图: 说明一下:这个创意不是我想的,哈~模仿别人的,创意应该是w3cplus上的.当然了,重点是教大家怎样做,就当高仿了~ 首先,先教大家利用CSS3制作一个正方体: 在木有CSS前,这种立方体,应该非常难制作吧~嗯,我认为非常难~ html: <body> <div class="wa

css3 实现逐帧动画

实现逐帧动画需要使用到的是Animation动画,该CSS3的Animation有八个属性:分别是如下:1: animation-name2: animation-duration3: animation-delay4: animation-iteration-count5: animation-direction6: animation-play-state7: animation-fill-mode8: animation-timing-function 含义分别如下:animation-n


Welcome to the Cheat Engine Tutorial.(v3.3) This tutorial will try to explain thebasics of cheating on games, and getting you more familiar with Cheat Engine. First open Cheat Engine if it hasn't beenopened yet. Then click on the 'open process' icon.

Laravel5.1学习笔记20 EloquentORM 关系

Eloquent: Relationships Introduction Defining Relationships One To One One To Many Many To Many Has Many Through Polymorphic Relations Many To Many Polymorphic Relations Querying Relations Eager Loading Constraining Eager Loads Lazy Eager Loading Ins

Constants in C++

The first motivation for const seems to have been to eliminate the use of preprocessor #define for value substitution. It has since been put to use for pointers, function arguments, return types, class objects and member functions. (Page 334) 1 Value

Core Java Volume I — 3.10. Arrays

3.10. ArraysAn array is a data structure that stores a collection of values of the same type. You access each individual value through an integer index. For example, if a is an array of integers, then a[i] is the ith integer in the array.Declare an a

[Selenium+Java] Handling AJAX Call in Selenium Webdriver

Original URL: Handling AJAX Call in Selenium Webdriver Ajax is a technique used for creating fast and dynamic web pages. This technique is asynchronous and uses a combination of Javasc

Monaco Editor 使用入门

以前项目是用ace编辑器的,但是总有些不敬人意的地方.前端事件看见的VS Code编辑器Monaco Editor准备更换下,下面介绍一些使用中遇到的一点问题.代码提示 1.项目引用 import * as monaco from 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.api'; 项目中引用了editor.api.js,但是这个文件不包含一些默认的语言和插件,所以在使用的时候,还需要我们自己import import 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/