AS ShortCut

Ctrl+Alt+L reformat Code
Ctrl+shift+/ comment/uncomment lines and blocks(/**/)
Ctr+/ comment/uncoment current line or blocks(//)
Ctrl+D in the editor duplicates the selected block or the current line when no block is selected.

Ctrl+E (View | Recent Files) recently visited files.

itar..+Tab Live Templates

Ctrl+Space Basic Code Completion

Ctrl+Shift+Space Smart Completion

Ctrl+Shift+Enter Statement Completion(parentheses,brackets,braces...)

Ctrl+P brings up a list of valid parameters

Ctrl+F12 view the current file structure

Ctrl+N search for and navigate to a specific class in the project

Ctrl+Shift+N navigate to a file or folder

Ctrl+Shift+Alt+N navigate to a method or field by name

Ctrl+Shift+Backspace (Navigate | Last Edit Location) brings you back to the last place where you made changes in the code.

Ctrl+Shift+F7 (Edit | Find | Highlight Usages in File) to quickly highlight usages of some variable in the current file.

Ctrl+Shift+J joins two lines into one and removes unnecessary space to match your code style.

Ctrl+Shift+V to choose and insert recent clipboard contents into the text.

Alt+F7 find the pieces of code referencing the class, method, field, parameter, statement
Alt+Enter quick fix and show intention actions

F3 and Shift+F3 to navigate through highlighted usages. Esc to remove highlighting.

Code | Reformat Code to reformat code according to your code style preferences (File | Settings | Code Style).

Code | Optimize Imports to automatically optimize imports (remove unused imports, etc.). (File | Settings | Code Style | Imports).

Alt+Q (View | Context Info) to see the declaration of the current method without the need to scroll to it.

F2/Shift+F2 keys to jump between highlighted syntax errors.

Ctrl+Alt+↑ /Ctrl+Alt+↓ to jump between compiler error messages or search operation results.

Alt+↑ and Alt+↓ keys to quickly move between methods i

To skip warnings right click on the validation side bar / marker bar and choose Go to high priority problems only.

Ctrl+J to complete any valid Live Template abbreviation if you don‘t remember it.

F6 逐行追踪
F5 进入方法
F7 跳出方法
F8 下一个断点或结束debug
字典类map 方法put/get

时间: 2024-12-13 14:33:14

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