
focus:function(){if($(this).val() == this.defaultValue) $(this).val("");},
blur: function(){
var value_new = $(this).val();
var value_cur = $(this).val() == "" ? this.defaultValue : value_new;

时间: 2024-10-24 03:15:15


Logstash之Logstash inputs(file和redis插件)、Logstash outputs和Filter plugins

Filebeat啊,根据input来监控数据,根据output来使用数据!!! Filebeat之input和output(包含Elasticsearch Output .Logstash Output. Redis Output. File Output和 Console Output) Logstash啊,根据input来监控数据,根据output来使用数据!!! 手把手带你看官方文档(Logstash inputs和Logstash outputs) https://www.elastic

[Angular] Learn How To Use ng-template Inputs

For example, we have a modal component, it can config that using ng-template as a configurable template. <ng-template #auModalBody></ng-template> <au-modal [body]="auModalBody" ></au-modal> Now what we want to do is to pa

[Angular2 Form] Group Inputs in Angular 2 Forms with ngModelGroup

The ngModelGroup directive allows you to group together related inputs so that you structure the object represented by the form in a useful and predictable way. ngModelGroup is often used in combination with fieldset as they mostly represent the same

Inputs &amp; Outputs

@Component中有属性值 selector,template(templateUrl),styles(styleUrl),directives,proviers,inputs,outputs. inputs 和outputs是用来干嘛的呢??? first.component.ts import {Component} from 'angular2/core' import {FistChildComponent} from './firstchild.component' @Compon

ELK 学习笔记之 Logstash之inputs配置

Logstash之inputs配置: input plugin doc: 插件很多,选两个常用的使用下. 1. stdin input plugin 参数: 建立stdin-sample.conf: input { stdin {} } output { stdout {} } 执行: ./logstash -f stdin-sample.conf 输入即所得 2. file

inputs a date (e.g. July 4, 2008) and outputs the day of the week-根据输入日期判断星期几

inputs a date (e.g. July 4, 2008) and outputs the day of the week-根据输入日期判断星期几: //inputs a date (e.g. July 4, 2008) and outputs the day of the week #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; bool leapyear; void getInput(string&

Deep Learning 论文笔记 (1): Making dropout invariant to transformations of activation functions and inputs

这是2014年nips workshop的一篇paper.这个paper号称他们提出了invariant dropout,可以对inputs和activation units的additive shift transform(我理解的其实就是加additive noise)具有不变性. 通常如果在每一个input unit和activation unit加了additive noise的话,下一层的activation  unit的input(也就是只进行了线性组合还没经过非线性)的varian

SQL server 导出平面文件时出错: The code page on Destination - 3_txt.Inputs[Flat File Destination Input].Columns[UserId] is 936 and is required to be 1252.

我在导出平面文件时:Error 0xc00470d4: Data Flow Task 1: The code page on Destination - 3_txt.Inputs[Flat File Destination Input].Columns[UserId] is 936 and is required to be 1252.(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)有时可以验证通过,有时不可以,这是啥原因? 我试过使用Unicode编码方式(有时可以)

Hplsql报错:...HiveSQLExpection:Error while compiling statement:No privilege &#39;Select&#39; found for inputs {.....}

实践hplsql时,遇到的问题总结一下,若有不对的地方,欢迎交流. 一.Hplsql简介 hplsql的介绍详见: 二.hpsql的配置文件为hplsql-site.xml 2.1 常见的选项列表: hplsql.conn.default 指定默认的连接配置文件,默认值为hive2conn hplsql.conn.hive2conn 指定HiveServer2JDBC连接 hplsql.conn.init.hi