Linked List {singly linked list -> doubly linked list -> circular linked list}

Linked List

单向链表 Singly linked list

Code writer : EOF
Code file   : single_linked_list.c
Code date   : 2015.01.15
e-mail      : [email protected]

Code description:
        Here is a implementation for singly linked list.

    If there is something wrong with my code please touch me
by e-mail, thank you.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define ARRAY_SIZE 10

// Abstraction for our node which is in list.
struct node
    int num;
    struct node *next;

struct node *list_search(struct node* p_head, int k)
         printf("Empty list!\n");
         return NULL;

    struct node* p_tmp = p_head->next;
    for(;p_tmp != NULL; p_tmp = p_tmp->next)
        if(p_tmp->num == k)

    return p_tmp;

int list_insert(struct node *p_head, int num)
         printf("Empty list!\n");
         return -1;

    struct node *p_node = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

        printf("malloc failed!\n");
        return -1;

    p_node->num  = num;
    p_node->next = p_head->next;
    p_head->next = p_node;

    return 0;

int list_delete(struct node *p_head, int num)
    struct node *p_node = p_head;
    struct node *p_tmp  = NULL;

    if(!p_head || !p_node)
        printf("Empty list!\n");
        return -1;

    for(;p_node->next != NULL; p_node = p_node->next)
        if(p_node->next->num == num)
            p_tmp = p_node->next;
            p_node->next = p_tmp->next;
            p_tmp = NULL;
            return 0;

    printf("There is node element %d in the list\n", num);

    return -1;

struct node *init_list(void)
    struct node *p_head = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

        printf("malloc failed!\n");
        return NULL;

    p_head->next = NULL;
    **    just garbage number, we don't use this
    **  member in header node
    p_head->num  = -1;

    return p_head;


void release_list(struct node* p_head)
       return ;

    struct node *p_node = NULL;
    struct node *p_tmp  = NULL;

    for(p_node = p_head ;
        p_node->next != NULL;
        p_node = p_node->next)
        p_tmp = p_node->next;
        p_node->next = p_tmp->next;


void list_show(struct node *p_head)
        return ;

    struct node *p_node = p_head;
    for(; p_node->next != NULL; p_node = p_node->next)
         printf("\t%d", p_node->next->num);


/*-------------------------test our API---------------------------------*/
int main()
    struct node *p_head = init_list();
    int array[ARRAY_SIZE] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};

    int i = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++)
        if(list_insert(p_head, array[i]) < 0)
            goto failed;

    return 0;

双向链表 Doubly linked list

Code writer : EOF
Code file   : doubly_linked_list.c
Code date   : 2015.01.15
e-mail      : [email protected]

Code description:
        Here is a implementation for doubly linked list.

    If there is something wrong with my code please touch me
by e-mail, thank you.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define ARRAY_SIZE 10

// Abstraction for our node which is in list.
struct node
    int num;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *prev;

struct node *list_search(struct node* p_head, int k)
         printf("Empty list!\n");
         return NULL;

    struct node* p_tmp = p_head->next;
    for(;p_tmp != NULL; p_tmp = p_tmp->next)
        if(p_tmp->num == k)

    return p_tmp;

int list_insert(struct node *p_head, int num)
         printf("Empty list!\n");
         return -1;

    struct node *p_node = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

        printf("malloc failed!\n");
        return -1;

    p_node->num  = num;
    p_node->next = p_head->next;
    p_node->prev = p_head;

    if(p_head->next != NULL)
        p_head->next->prev = p_node;

    p_head->next = p_node;

    return 0;

int list_delete(struct node *p_head, int num)
    struct node *p_node = p_head;
    struct node *p_tmp  = NULL;

    if(!p_head || !p_node)
        printf("Empty list!\n");
        return -1;

    for(;p_node->next != NULL; p_node = p_node->next)
        if(p_node->next->num == num)
            p_tmp = p_node->next;
            if(p_node->next->next != NULL)
                p_node->next->next->prev = p_node;
            p_node->next = p_tmp->next;

            p_tmp = NULL;
            return 0;

    printf("There is node element %d in the list\n", num);

    return -1;

struct node *init_list(void)
    struct node *p_head = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

        printf("malloc failed!\n");
        return NULL;

    p_head->next = NULL;
    p_head->prev = NULL;
    **    just garbage number, we don't use this
    **  member in header node
    p_head->num  = -1;

    return p_head;


void release_list(struct node* p_head)
       return ;

    struct node *p_node = NULL;
    struct node *p_tmp  = NULL;

           Use this is OK, but we are
    operating doubly linked list, so
    I try to demo use @prev.

    for(p_node = p_head ;
        p_node->next != NULL;
        p_node = p_node->next)
        p_tmp = p_node->next;
        p_node->next = p_tmp->next;

    for(;p_node != NULL; p_node = p_node->next)
        p_tmp = p_node->prev;
        p_tmp->next = p_node->next;

void list_show(struct node *p_head)
        return ;

    struct node *p_node = p_head;
    for(; p_node->next != NULL; p_node = p_node->next)
         printf("\t%d", p_node->next->num);


/*-------------------------test our API---------------------------------*/
int main()
    struct node *p_head = init_list();
    int array[ARRAY_SIZE] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};

    int i = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++)
        if(list_insert(p_head, array[i]) < 0)
            goto failed;

    return 0;

环形链表 Circle linked list


时间: 2024-08-07 03:38:06

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