Introduction | |||||||
A Hierarchical Data is a data that is organized in a tree-like structure and structure allows information to be stored in a parent-child relationship with one-to-many relation records. This data can be stored either in a single table or different database tables with a parent-child relationship using foreign key. | |||||||
Setup the Repeater Control: In the aspx page, drag and drop a Repeater |
Setup the Code-Behind:
The code-behind for this concept needs some attention, as it explains you the way Step 1: Add the SqlClient namespace in the code-behind
Step 2: In the Page_Load event, you have to retrieve the
Step 3: Add the DataTable to a DataSet to add relationship
Step 4: Now create two DataColumn objects, one for Primary
Step 5:
Step 6: Very Important, we need this DataRelation object
Step 7: Finally, we need to add this relationship to the
The above method GetChildObjects, has two parameters, the first one is the array of DataRow and the second is the “ref” DataTable which is going to have the records. Please note the “ref” keyword before the parameter declaration. This DataTable is responsible to hold the records to binding. Inside this method, we loop through the records of the DataRow arrays and we import record by record to the “ref” DataTable. Then again we call the same method GetChildObjects, to loop through its child rows. If there is no child rows, then execution will be stopped and no further call to this method will be made. Now, we are going to write another method to kick off the GetChildObjects methods, |
Step 8: The last step in the Page_Load event, is to bind the Repeater control by calling the GetParentObjects as follows. Note that the argument passed to the GetParentObjects method is the DataSet’s first Table, not the DataTable object. |
The complete code of the Page_Load event is as follows,
Setup Asp.Net Table Control to display the Hierarchy structure To display the data in a Hierarchical structure, we need to code in the ItemDataBound |
The above code is simple as its need no detail explanation. First we find the Table Now save all and press the “F5” button, the browser will popup, you can see the | Hierarchical Data
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