REST Client – simple DSL for accessing HTTP and REST resources
工作中常用到获取一个xml或者json格式的数据进行解析,获取我们希望拿到的有效数据,这时候用的是http的get请求,当我们提交表单和上传文件的时候,用的是http的post请求,post请求的contentType分两种,提交普通的表单的时候,Content-Type是"application/x-www-form-urlencoded",上传文件的时候,Content-Type是"multipart/form-data"这个可以通过浏览器的调试工具查看点击F12打开页面调试工具,然后选择"Network"->"Headers"->"Request Headers"->"Content-Type"


(一)REST Client获取xml/json数据

(1)xmlresponse = RestClient.get(url)
url_hash = Hash.from_xml(response.body)


response = RestClient.get(url_list[index])
url_hash = JSON.parse(response.body)[‘headline_videos‘]

response = HTTParty.get(‘‘)


 module ClassMethods
    def upload_image(file_path)
      timestamp =

      response = Settings.upload.image.url, {
        uid: Settings.upload.image.uid,
        appkey: Settings.upload.image.appkey,
        timestamp: timestamp,
        sign: sign(timestamp),
        filename: "ott_cms_#{timestamp}",
        duplmd5: Settings.upload.image.duplmd5,

      case response.code
      when 200
        parse_upload_response response
        { errors: ["图片上传服务暂时不可用"] }

REST Client – simple DSL for accessing HTTP and REST resources

时间: 2024-11-15 00:40:46

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