UVA10474 Where is the Marble?【排序】


 1 #include <iostream>
 2 #include <cstdio>
 3 #include <algorithm>
 4 using namespace std;
 5 #define N 10000
 6 int main()
 7 {
 8     int n,q,count=0;
10     while (scanf("%d %d",&n,&q)!=EOF)
11     {
12         if (n==0&&q==0)
13         {
14             break;
15          }
16         int m[N];
17         int i;
18         for (i=0;i<n;i++)
19         {
20             scanf("%d",&m[i]);
21         }
22         sort(m,m+n);
23         printf("CASE# %d:\n",++count);//此行要放在while前面!!!
24         while (q--)
25         {
26             int temp;
27             scanf("%d",&temp);
28             int t=lower_bound(m,m+n,temp)-m;
29             if (m[t]==temp)
30             {
31                 printf("%d found at %d\n",temp,t+1);
32             }
33             else
34             {
35                 printf("%d not found\n",temp);
36             }
37         }
38     }
40     return 0;
41 } 


时间: 2024-07-31 16:16:04

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