Warning Creating default object from empty value in xxx.php

PHP 提示 Creating default object from empty value 的问题,一般是由于PHP版升级的原因,PHP
5.4 以上的版本一般会报这个错误;


$_obj = new stdClass();


$_arr = array();


Warning Creating default object from empty value in

时间: 2024-12-25 16:11:12

Warning Creating default object from empty value in xxx.php的相关文章

Creating default object from empty value in PHP?

  Your new environment may have E_STRICT warnings enabled in error_reporting if it is PHP <= 5.3, or if simply have error_reporting set to at least E_WARNING with PHP 5.4+. . That error is triggered when $res is NULL or not yet initialized: $res = NU

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