ZFNet: Visualizing and Understanding Convolutional Networks


  • 论文结构
  • 反卷积



  1. input: \(3 \times 224 \times 224\), filter size: 7, filter count: 96, stride: 2, padding: 1, 我觉得是要补一层零的,否则输出是109而不是110-->ReLU --> maxpool: size: \(3 \times 3\), stride: 2, 似乎这里也要补一层零, 否则 \(\lfloor \frac{110-3}{2}+1 \rfloor=54\) --> contrast normalized;
  2. input: \(96 \times 55 \times 55\), filter size: 5, count: 256, stride: 2, padding: 0 --> ReLU --> maxpool: size: \(3 \times 3\), stride: 2, padding: 1--> contrast normlized;
  3. input: \(256 \times 13 \times 13\), filter size: 3, count: 384, stride: 1, padding: 1 --> ReLU
  4. input: \(384 \times 13 \times 13\), filter size: 3, count: 384, stride: 1, padding: 1 --> ReLU
  5. input: \(384 \times 13 \times 13\), filter size: 3, count: 256, stride: 1, padding: 1 --> ReLU --> maxpool: size: 3, stride: 2, padding: 0 --> contrast normlized?
  6. input: \(6 * 6 * 256\) -- > 4096 -- > ReLU -- > Dropout(0.5)
  7. input: 4096 -- > 4096 --> ReLU -- > Dropout(0.5)
  8. input: 4096 --> numclass ...



先关于步长为1的,不补零的简单情况进行分析吧, 假设:

input: \(i \times i\),
kernel_size: \(k \times k\) ,
stride: 1,
padding: 0

i = k + o - 1 \Rightarrow o = i-k+1

现在,反卷积核大小依旧为\(k'=k\), 那么我们需要补零\(c'\)为多少才能使得反回去的特征大小为\(i\).
2c' + o = k + i-1 \Rightarrow c'= k-1

如果stride 不为1呢?设为\(s\), 那么:
i = k + s(o-1) \Rightarrow o = \frac{i-k}{s}+1

2c'+(s-1)(o-1) +o= k+s'(i-1)

c' = k-1

i+2p = k+s(o-1)
2c'+(s-1)(o-1) +o= k+s'(i-1)
如果\(s'=1\), 结果为:
c' = k-p-1

最大的问题是什么,是why! 为什么要这样反卷积啊?


时间: 2024-08-25 01:24:06

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