Off-heap Memory in Apache Flink and the curious JIT compiler


Running data-intensive code in the JVM and making it well-behaved is tricky. Systems that put billions of data objects naively onto the JVM heap face unpredictable OutOfMemoryErrors and Garbage Collection stalls. Of course, you still want to to keep your data in memory as much as possible, for speed and responsiveness of the processing applications. In that context, “off-heap” has become almost something like a magic word to solve these problems.


In this blog post, we will look at how Flink exploits off-heap memory.
The feature is part of the upcoming release, but you can try it out with the latest nightly builds. We will also give a few interesting insights into the behavior for Java’s JIT compiler for highly optimized methods and loops.


Why actually bother with off-heap memory?

Given that Flink has a sophisticated level of managing on-heap memory, why do we even bother with off-heap memory? It is true that “out of memory” has been much less of a problem for Flink because of its heap memory management techniques. Nonetheless, there are a few good reasons to offer the possibility to move Flink’s managed memory out of the JVM heap:

  • Very large JVMs (100s of GBytes heap memory) tend to be tricky. It takes long to start them (allocate and initialize heap) and garbage collection stalls can be huge (minutes). While newer incremental garbage collectors (like G1) mitigate this problem to some extend, an even better solution is to just make the heap much smaller and allocate Flink’s managed memory chunks outside the heap.
  • I/O and network efficiency: In many cases, we write MemorySegments to disk (spilling) or to the network (data transfer). Off-heap memory can be written/transferred with zero copies, while heap memory always incurs an additional memory copy.
  • Off-heap memory can actually be owned by other processes. That way, cached data survives process crashes (due to user code exceptions) and can be used for recovery. Flink does not exploit that, yet, but it is interesting future work.

Flink传统的基于‘on-heap’ 内存管理机制,已经可以解决很多的java关于‘out of memory’或gc的问题,那我们为何还要用 ‘off-heap’的技术,

1. very large的JVM会要很长的启动时间,并且gc的代价也会很大
2. heap在写磁盘或network时,至少要一次copy,而off-heap可以实现zero copy
3. off-heap内存是进程共享的,JVM进程crash不会丢失数据


The opposite question is also valid. Why should Flink ever not use off-heap memory?

  • On-heap is easier and interplays better with tools. Some container environments and monitoring tools get confused when the monitored heap size does not remotely reflect the amount of memory used by the process.
  • Short lived memory segments are cheaper on the heap. Flink sometimes needs to allocate some short lived buffers, which works cheaper on the heap than off-heap.
  • Some operations are actually a bit faster on heap memory (or the JIT compiler understands them better).

为何Flink不直接用off-heap memory?




The off-heap Memory Implementation

Given that all memory intensive internal algorithms are already implemented against the MemorySegment, our implementation to switch to off-heap memory is actually trivial.
You can compare it to replacing allByteBuffer.allocate(numBytes) calls with ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(numBytes).
In Flink’s case it meant that we made the MemorySegment abstract and added the HeapMemorySegment and OffHeapMemorySegment subclasses.
TheOffHeapMemorySegment takes the off-heap memory pointer from a java.nio.DirectByteBuffer and implements its specialized access methods using sun.misc.Unsafe.
We also made a few adjustments to the startup scripts and the deployment code to make sure that the JVM is permitted enough off-heap memory (direct memory, -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize).



Flink,对MemorySegment,生成两个子类,HeapMemorySegment and OffHeapMemorySegment

其中OffHeapMemorySegment,以java.nio.DirectByteBuffer的形式使用off-heap memory, 通过sun.misc.Unsafe接口来操作这些memory


Understanding the JIT and tuning the implementation

The MemorySegment was (before our change) a standalone class, it was final (had no subclasses). Via Class Hierarchy Analysis (CHA), the JIT compiler was able to determine that all of the accessor method calls go to one specific implementation. That way, all method calls can be perfectly de-virtualized and inlined, which is essential to performance, and the basis for all further optimizations (like vectorization of the calling loop).

With two different memory segments loaded at the same time, the JIT compiler cannot perform the same level of optimization any more, which results in a noticeable difference in performance: A slowdown of about 2.7 x in the following example:



这里提出的一个问题就是,如果MemorySegment是standalone class类,没有之类,那么会比较高效,因为编译的时候,他所调研的method都是确定的,可以提前做优化;



Approach 1: Make sure that only one memory segment implementation is ever loaded.

We re-structured the code a bit to make sure that all places that produce long-lived and short-lived memory segments instantiate the same MemorySegment subclass (Heap- or Off-Heap segment). Using factories rather than directly instantiating the memory segment classes, this was straightforward.


Approach 2: Write one segment that handles both heap and off-heap memory

We created a class HybridMemorySegment which handles transparently both heap- and off-heap memory. It can be initialized either with a byte array (heap memory), or with a pointer to a memory region outside the heap (off-heap memory).



时间: 2024-08-26 13:10:00

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