leetcode 744. 寻找比目标字母大的最小字母(Find Smallest Letter Greater Than Target)


  • 题目描述:
  • 示例:
  • 解法:


给定一个只包含小写字母的有序数组letters 和一个目标字母 target,寻找有序数组里面比目标字母大的最小字母。

数组里字母的顺序是循环的。举个例子,如果目标字母target = ‘z‘ 并且有序数组为 letters = [‘a‘, ‘b‘],则答案返回 ‘a‘


letters = ["c", "f", "j"]
target = "a"
输出: "c"

letters = ["c", "f", "j"]
target = "c"
输出: "f"

letters = ["c", "f", "j"]
target = "d"
输出: "f"

letters = ["c", "f", "j"]
target = "g"
输出: "j"

letters = ["c", "f", "j"]
target = "j"
输出: "c"

letters = ["c", "f", "j"]
target = "k"
输出: "c"


  1. letters长度范围在[2, 10000]区间内。
  2. letters 仅由小写字母组成,最少包含两个不同的字母。
  3. 目标字母target 是一个小写字母。


class Solution {
    char nextGreatestLetter(vector<char>& letters, char target) {
        int sz = letters.size();
        int l = 0, r = sz-1, mid = 0;
        while(l <= r){
            mid = l + (r - l)/2;
            if(letters[mid] <= target){
                l = mid + 1;
                r = mid - 1;
        if(r == -1 || l == sz){
            return letters[0];
            return letters[l];


时间: 2024-10-30 00:35:19

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