在phpBB3中导入用户时, 需要处理的有两张表, 一个是 users, 一个是 user_group.
如果是新安装的论坛, 在每次导入之前, 用以下语句初始化:
DELETE FROM phpbb_users WHERE user_id > 47; alter table phpbb_users auto_increment = 48; DELETE FROM phpbb_user_group where user_id > 48; DELETE FROM phpbb_user_group where user_id = 0;
需要的最小字段为 `user_type`, `group_id`, `user_permissions`, `user_ip`, `user_regdate`, `username`, `username_clean`, `user_lastvisit`, `user_lastmark`, `user_posts`, `user_lang`, `user_timezone`, `user_dateformat`, `user_style`, `user_sig`, `user_occ`, `user_interests`
如果是新安装的论坛, 进需要对这些字段动态赋值: `user_ip`, `user_regdate`, `username`, `username_clean`, `user_lastvisit`, `user_lastmark`, `user_posts`, `user_sig`
每一个user添加默认注册用户对应的组记录, 对于新安装的论坛, 添加一条对应组2的记录
print("\n" + ‘######## Start:‘ + str(i) + ‘, limit:‘ + str(limit) + ‘ ########‘) users = tb_user_all.find().sort(‘registeredAt‘, 1).limit(limit).skip(i) for user in users: try: with rbcommon.mysqlclient.cursor() as cursor: if (user[‘nick‘] == ‘User Not Found‘): sql = ‘INSERT IGNORE INTO `phpbb_users` (`user_type`, `group_id`, `user_permissions`, `user_ip`, `user_regdate`, `username`, ‘ ‘`username_clean`, `user_lastvisit`, `user_lastmark`, `user_posts`, `user_lang`, `user_timezone`, ‘ ‘`user_dateformat`, `user_style`, `user_sig`, `user_occ`, `user_interests`) ‘ ‘VALUES (0, 2, \‘\‘, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, \‘en\‘, 8.00, \‘|Y-m-d| G:i\‘, 1, %s, \‘\‘, \‘\‘)‘ cursor.execute(sql, ( user[‘ip‘], user[‘registeredAt‘], user[‘name‘].strip(), user[‘_id‘].strip(), user[‘registeredAt‘], user[‘registeredAt‘], user[‘posts‘], ‘‘ if (not ‘signature‘ in user) else user[‘signature‘])) else: lastVisit = 0 if (user[‘lastLogin‘] == ‘‘): lastVisit = 0 else: lastVisit = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(user[‘lastLogin‘], ‘%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y‘))) if (lastVisit == 0) and (len(user[‘lastActive‘]) > 0): lastVisit = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(user[‘lastActive‘], ‘%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y‘))) sql = ‘INSERT IGNORE INTO `phpbb_users` (`user_type`, `group_id`, `user_permissions`, `user_ip`, `user_regdate`, `username`, ‘ ‘`username_clean`, `user_lastvisit`, `user_lastmark`, `user_posts`, `user_lang`, `user_timezone`, ‘ ‘`user_dateformat`, `user_style`, `user_sig`, `user_occ`, `user_interests`) ‘ ‘VALUES (0, 2, \‘\‘, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, \‘en\‘, 8.00, \‘|Y-m-d| G:i\‘, 1, %s, \‘\‘, \‘\‘)‘ cursor.execute(sql, ( user[‘ip‘], user[‘registeredAt‘], user[‘name‘].strip(), user[‘_id‘].strip(), lastVisit, lastVisit, user[‘posts‘], ‘‘ if (not ‘signature‘ in user) else user[‘signature‘])) # phpbb_user_group lastId = cursor.lastrowid if (lastId == 0): print(‘Duplicate ID:>{}<‘.format(user[‘name‘])) rbcommon.mysqlclient.rollback() continue print(lastId) sql = ‘INSERT IGNORE INTO `phpbb_user_group` (`group_id`, `user_id`, `group_leader`, `user_pending`) ‘ ‘VALUES (2, %s, 0, 0)‘ cursor.execute(sql, (lastId)) rbcommon.mysqlclient.commit() except Exception as e: print(json.dumps(user)) traceback.print_exc()
导入结束后, 需要在后台首页, 重置全站的文章和用户统计数字.
时间: 2024-10-05 04:52:54