[Ramda] Rewrite if..else with Ramda ifElse


const onSeachClick = (searchTerm) => {
   if(searchTerm !== ‘‘) {
   } else {
       console.log(‘a search term should be provided‘)


// Utils

const inNotEmpty = R.compose(

const onSearchClick = () => {
     isNotEmpty,  // logic to check
     searchForMovices, // do it if true
     log(‘a search term should be provided‘) // do it if false


 function processSearchResponse(response) {
     // check total_results prop from response,
     // it shuold greater than 0
     const searchHasResult = R.compose(
     // get results props from response,
     // then createMoviesElements called
     const createElementFromResults = R.compose(
     //always return empty
     const createArrayWithNotFound = R.always([

     const elements = R.ifElse(
时间: 2024-10-12 15:21:28

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