(判断是否加速)qpg_VHC_accelerating:This function returns TRUE if the specified vehicles is accelerating.
(加速度值)qpg_VHC_acceleration:This function returns the current acceleration values used by the vehicle.
(车龄)qpg_VHC_age:This function returns the vehicles age.
(车侵害性值)qpg_VHC_aggression:This function returns the vehicles aggression value.
(获取同一线路上指定车辆前面的车)qpg_VHC_ahead:This function returns a pointer to the vehicle directly infornt of the specified vehicle on the same link.
(车辆意识)qpg_VHC_awareness:This function returns the vehicles awareness value
(获取同一线路上指定车辆后面的车)qpg_VHC_behind:This function returns a pointer to the vehicle directly behind the specified vehicle on the same link.
(车辆正在刹车时返回真)qpg_VHC_braking:This function returns TRUE if the specified vehicles is breaking.
(在公交车道上的车避开公交车到另一个车道时返回真)qpg_VHC_busAvoid:This function returns TRUE if the specified vehicles is changing lanes to avoid a PT vehicle at a PT stop.
(负减速度值)qpg_VHC_deceleration:This function returns the current deceleration value applied to the vehicle.
(与指定车同类型车辆的需求比例)qpg_VHC_demand:This function returns the demand proportion associated with the vehicle’s vehicle type.
(车辆目的地小区索引)qpg_VHC_destination:This function returns an index to the vehicles destination zone.
(如果在仿真中使用了car parks时返回一个与qpg_VHC_destination返回的不一样的最终目的小区的值)qpg_VHC_destinationTrip:This function returns an index to the drivers ultimate destination zone which may be different fro the value returned by qpg_VHC_destination if car parks are used in the simulation.
(返回车头到线路终点的距离)qpg_VHC_distance:This function returns the distance the head of the vehicle is from the end if the link.(of the link)
(返回车辆在线路中的存在时间)qpg_VHC_existTime:This function returns the time the vehicle has existed in the network.
(返回相应车型的熟悉的驾驶员比例)qpg_VHC_familiar:This function returns the familiar driver proportion associated with the vehicle’s vehicle type.
(车辆高度)qpg_VHC_height:This function returns the vehicles height.
(车辆出事故时返回真)qpg_VHC_incident:This function returns TRUE if the specified vehicles is involved in an incident.
(判断车辆是否为公交车)qpg_VHC_isBus:This function returns TRUE if the specified vehicle is a PT vehicle.
(判断车辆是否为重型车辆)qpg_VHC_isHeavy:This function returns TRUE if the specified vehicle is a heavy good vehicle.
(返回车辆所在车道的当前索引)qpg_VHC_lane:This function returns the lane index the vehicle is currently travelling in.
(车辆可接受车道范围的高巷车道索引)qpg_VHC_laneHigh:This function returns the high lane index of the vehicles acceptable lane range.
(车辆可接受车道范围的高巷车道索引)qpg_VHC_laneLow:This function returns the low lane index of the vehicles acceptable lane range.
(车辆长度)qpg_VHC_length:This function returns the length of the vehicle.
(车辆被允许进入时返回真)qpg_VHC_letIn:This function returns TRUE if the specified vehicles let in flag is enabled.
(车辆当前所在线路)qpg_VHC_link:This function returns the link the vehicle is currently travelling on.
(通过斜坡时线路施加在车辆上的加速度)qpg_VHC_linkAcceleration:This function returns the acceleration imposed on the vehicle by the lin kit is currently travelling on i.e. through a gradient.
(通过斜坡时线路施加在车辆上的负加速度)qpg_VHC_linkDeceleration:This function returns the deceleration imposed on the vehicle by the lin kit is currently travelling on i.e. through a gradient.
(返回link和id相匹配的车辆)VEHICLE* qpg_VHC_lookupVByLane(LINK* link, int vID):This function returns the requested vehicle on the given link with the matching ID.
(与link和lane相匹配的车辆)VEHICLE* qpg_VHC_lookupVByLane(LINK* link, int lane, int vID):This function returns the requested vehicle in the given lane and link with the matching ID.
(获得车辆生成的OD矩阵)qpg_VHC_matrix:This function returns the OD matrix the vehicle was generated from.
(车辆驶入标志启用时返回真)qpg_VHC_movingIn:This function returns TRUE if the specified vehicles moving in flag is enabled.
(车辆离开下一个节点时的出口索引)qpg_VHC_nextExit:This function returns the index of the exit the vehicle will take form the next node.
(车辆离开下下个节点时的出口索引)qpg_VHC_nextNextExit:This function returns the index of the exit the vehicle will take form the next, next node.
(当车辆进入下一个线路时的入口车道)qpg_VHC_nextLane:This function returns the index of the lane the vehicle will aim to be in when it joins the next link.
(在下个十字路口指定车辆没有优先权时返回真)qpg_VHC_notMajor:This function returns TRUE if the specified vehicle does not have major priority at the next intersection.
(当车辆在一个节点的线路之间时返回为真)qpg_VHC_onNode:This function returns TRUE if the specified vehicles is currently between links on a node.
(车辆起始小区)qpg_VHC_origin:This function returns the vehicles origin zone.
(返回驾驶员起始小区,当连路中使用car parks时可能会和车辆起始小区不同)qpg_VHC_originTrip:This function returns the drivers origin zone (which may differ from the vehicles trip if car parks are used in the network).
(返回可能是复制得来的原始车辆结构)qpg_VHC_original:This function returns a pointer to the original vehicles structure a copy may be derived from.
(返回车辆的pcu值)qpg_VHC_pcus:This function returns the pcu value for the specified vehicle.
(返回车辆的perturbation值)qpg_VHC_perturbation:This function returns the perturbation value for the specified vehicle.
(返回与汽车线路相关联的费用表索引)qpg_VHC_routeTable:This function returns the cost table index associated with the vehicles route choice.
(专车标志启用时返回真)qpg_VHC_special:This function returns TRUE if the specified vehicles special flag is enabled.
(车速)qpg_VHC_speed:This function returns the current speed of the specified vehicle.
(指定时刻的车速)qpg_VHC_speedHistoric:This function returns the speed of the vehicles at the specified time in the past.
(车辆进入路网时的时间)qpg_VHC_startTime:This function returns the time the vehicle entered the network.
(车辆在停止状态时返回真)qpg_VHC_stopped:This function returns TRUE if the specified vehicles is stopped.
(返回所选择车辆跟踪器的索引)qpg_VHC_tracer:This function returns the tracer index for the selected vehicle.
(返回车辆的类型索引)qpg_VHC_type:This function returns the type index for the given vehicle.
(车辆id)int qpg_VHC_uniqueID(VEHICLE* V):This function returns the unique id or index associated with the vehicle. If the value is 0 this vehicle in question is a dummy vehicle.
(返回车辆的用户数据结构)qpg_VHC_userdata:This function returns the user data structure associated with the vehicle.
(车辆用户标签标志被设置时返回为真)qpg_VHC_usertag:This function returns TRUE if the specified vehicles user tag flag is set.
(tag flag)Int qpg_VHC_usertag(VEHICLE* vehicle):This function returns the integer counter specified as the vehicles user tag flag.
(车重)qpg_VHC_weight:This function returns the vehicles weight.
(车宽)qpg_VHC_width:This function returns the vehicles width.
(指定车型的最大加速度)qpg_VTP_acceleration:This function returns the maximum achievable acceleration for the specified vehicle type.
(指定车型的最大负加速度)qpg_VTP_deceleration:This function returns the maximum achievable deceleration for the specified vehicle type.
(指定车型的需求比例)qpg_VTP_demand:This function returns the demand proportion specified for the given vehicle type.
(指定车型的熟悉比例)qpg_VTP_familiar:This function returns the familiar proportion specified for the given vehicle type.
(指定车型的高)qpg_VTP_height:This function returns the height of the vehicle type.
(指定车型的长)qpg_VTP_length:This function returns the length of the vehicle type.
(指定车型相关联的矩阵索引)qpg_VTP_matrix:This function returns the matrix index the vehicle type is associated with.
(指定车型的pcu值)qpg_VTP_pcus:This function returns the default pcu value for the specified vehicle type.
(指定车型的perturbation值)qpg_VTP_perturbation:This function returns the perturbation proportion specified for the given vehicle type.
(指定车型被特殊限定时返回为真)qpg_VTP_restricted:This function returns TRUE if the given vehicle type is restricted by the specified restriction index.
(指定车型车重)qpg_VTP_weight:This function returns the weight of the specified vehicle type.
(指定车型车宽)qpg_VTP_width:This function returns width of the specified vehicle type.
(设置车辆加速状态)qps_VHC_accelerating:This function is used to set the accelerating flag stored with a vehicle.
(设置车辆侵害性值)qps_VHC_aggression:This function is used to set the aggression value stored with a vehicle.
(设置车辆觉悟值)qps_VHC_awareness:This function is used to set the awareness value stored with a vehicle.
(设置车辆是否刹车)qps_VHC_braking:This function is used to set the breaking flag stored with a vehicle.
(改变车道)qps_VHC_changeLane:This function causes a vehicle to changes lane immediately, even if there is no space in the adjacent lane. The vehicles behind in the adjacent lane may be shunted backwards, or they may sit on of this vehicle once it has been
(为追踪/跟随车辆设置仪表板)qps_VHC_dashboard:This function is used to set a dashboard variable stored with the current traced/followed vehicle.
(重置指定车辆的目的小区,负值将无效,0即生效)qps_VHC_destination:This function is used to set the destination zone index of the specified vehicle. A negative value for ether destination or ultimate will cause no change to that parameter. A zero value for ultimate cause that parameter to use the value specified for destination.
(设置车头到线路终点的距离)qps_VHC_distance:This function is used to set the distance the head of the vehicle is from the end of the link.
(停靠不转移)qps_VHC_holdTransfer:This function sets or clears the hold flag for a vehicle. If the hold flag is set, the vehicle will not be transferred from one link to another at an intersection, but is free to advance on its current link. This flag is less restrictive than the sped flag, in that a vehicle with hold set will still advance towards the s line, and will move forward to a stacking s line on a signal phase change. The flag is cleared every time step, just before qpx_VHC_move, and it is intended that the hold flag is set inside this function.
(制造车辆事故)qps_VHC_incident:This function is used to create an incident or breakdown vehicle at a specified location, with a number of optional parameters. The type parameter refers to a coded incident type as defined in the incidents file.
(改变车道)qps_VHC_laneChange :This function requests that a lane change be made in the given direction as soon as possible by setting the ?want to change lane? flag for the given vehicle. This lane change request can be overridden by the core logic, including lane change stimuli triggered by signposting. For a rapid lane change it may be more effective to set the lane range, although this can cause the vehicle to ?force? its way into the adjacent lane. If it is absolutely imperative that the vehicle changes lane immediately, use qps_VHC_changeLane.
(当前link的下个lane)void qps_VHC_nextlane (VEHICLE*, int lane):This function sets the next lane value for a vehicle on its current link. This will override any values set for the link in the nextlanes file.
(为车辆的产生设置再利用标志,这种做法可以使内存的使用率最低)qps_VHC_recycle:This function is used to set the recycle flag for vehicle generation; by default this value is true minimising memory usage.
(在仿真中删除指定车辆)qps_VHC_remove:This function is used to remove the specified vehicle from the simulation.
(报告指定车辆当前状态的详细资料)qps_VHC_report:This function is used to report details of the current state of the specified vehicle.
(设置专车标志,用在API插件中)qps_VHC_special:This function is used to set the special flag for a vehicle, this is used for API plugins.
(设置指定车辆的当前车速)qps_VHC_speed:This function is used to the current speed of the specified vehicle.
(设置指定车辆的追踪/跟随标志)qps_VHC_tracer:This function is used to set the tracer/follow flag of the specified vehicle.
(设置与车辆相关的特定数据结构)qps_VHC_userdata:This function is used to set the user data structure associated with the specified vehicle.
(设置特殊车辆的用户标签标志)qps_VHC_usertag:This function is used to user tag flag of the specified vehicle.
(递减用户tag)void qps_VHC_usertagDec(VEHICLE* vehicle):This function decrements the user tag for a vehicle. See qps_VHC_usertagInc for a description of how to use tags.
void qps_VHC_usertagInc(VEHICLE* vehicle):
(车辆到达目的小区时调用)qpx_VHC_arrive:This function is called when a vehicle arrives at it‘s destination zone.
(当一个车辆通过VMS行标时调用)qpx_VHC_beacon:This function is called when a vehicle passes a VMS beacon.
(当车辆穿过环状检测器时调用)qpx_VHC_detector:This function is called when a vehicle passes a loop detector.
(当车辆车道改变时调用)qpx_VHC_laneChange:This function is called when a vehicle initiates a lane change.
(车辆朝前移动时)qpx_VHC_move:This function is called when a vehicle is moved forward on a link.
(车辆在小区发布时调用)qpx_VHC_release:This function is called when a vehicle is released from a zone.
(当车辆到达目的航行时)qpx_VHC_targetHeadway:This function is called when a vehicle reaches it‘s target headway.
(当车辆达到目的速度时调用)qpx_VHC_targetSpeed:This function is called when a vehicle reaches it‘s target speed.
(每个仿真时间步长对每辆车进行调用)qpx_VHC_timeStep:This function is called for each vehicle in the network once per simulation time step.
(当车辆从一个link到另一个时调用)qpx_VHC_transfer:This function is called when a vehicle is transferred from once link to another.