Codeforces Round #451 (Div. 2) F Restoring the Expression



给出这个数,要求还原等式,length <= 1e6





0.开头字符为0, 那么结果一定是0+a=a的形式


1.len(a) >= len(b) 且 len(c) == len(a)

2.len(a) <= len(b) 且 len(c) == len(b)

3.len(a) >= len(b) 且 len(c) == len(a) + 1

4.len(a) <= len(b) 且 len(c) == len(b) + 1



(2)len(a) != len(b) 时, 若max(a, b)的最高位为x,









 1 #include <stdio.h>
 2 #include <string.h>
 4 int n;
 6 char s[1000010];
 8 int i, j, k, p, l, r;
10 int print() {
11     int i = 1;
12     for (; i <= l; i ++)
13         putchar(s[i]);
14     putchar(‘+‘);
15     for (; i <= r; i ++)
16         putchar(s[i]);
17     putchar(‘=‘);
18     for (; i <= n; i ++)
19         putchar(s[i]);
20     return 1;
21 }
23 int check(int s1, int s2) {
24     for (int i = s1, j = s2, k = n, t = 0; k > s2; k --) {
25         if ((s[i] + s[j] + t - 96) % 10 != s[k] - 48)
26             return 0;
27         t = (s[i] + s[j] + t - 96) / 10;
28         i --, j --;
29         if (i <= 0) i = 0;
30         if (j <= s1) j = 0;
31     }
32     return 1;
33 }
35 int judge() {
36     if (j != 1 && (s[l + 1] == ‘0‘ || s[r + 1] == ‘0‘)) return 0;
37     if (p) {if (s[r + 1] != k) return 0;}
38     else if (i != j && (k != s[r + 1] && k + 1 != s[r + 1])) return 0;
39     if (!check(l, r)) return 0;
40     return print();
41 }
43 int main() {
44     scanf("%s", s + 1);
45     n = strlen(s + 1);
46     s[0] = ‘0‘;
48     l = 1, r = n - n / 2;
49     if (s[1] == ‘0‘) {
50         print();
51         return 0;
52     }
54     for (i = 1 + (n & 1 ? 0 : 1), j = (n - i) / 2, r = n - j; i <= n / 3; i += 2, j --, r ++) {
55         k = s[1], l = j;
56         if (judge()) return 0;
57         k = s[l + 1], l = i;
58         if (judge()) return 0;
59     }
61     p = 1, k = 49;
62     for (i = 1 + (n & 1 ? 1 : 0), j = (n - i) / 2, r = n - j - 1; i <= n / 3 - (n % 3 == 0); i += 2, j --, r ++) {
63         l = j;
64         if (judge()) return 0;
65         l = i;
66         if (judge()) return 0;
67     }
68 }

时间: 2024-10-24 06:33:00

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