mysql - ERROR 1114 (HY000): The table is full

mysql - ERROR 1114 (HY000): The table is full - Stack Overflow

df -H



时间: 2024-12-13 06:56:46

mysql - ERROR 1114 (HY000): The table is full的相关文章

mysql 解决 ERROR 1114 (HY000): The table 'XXX' is full

操作:执行 alter table aa_table drop column hehe; 删除 aa_table 表中 hehe 字段.导致 ERROR 1114 (HY000): The table 'sy_transaction_info' is full. 删除字段操作,磁盘可以空间需要大于表本身占据的空间(如当前操作的表占据 40 GB,那么要求磁盘可用空间必须大于 40 GB). 据观察推断其删除字段行为为:创建一张新表,删除的字段不再创建,再把原有的表数据导入新表. 1. 查看磁盘使

mysql ERROR 126 (HY000): Incorrect key file for table '/tmp/#sql_1d87_0.MYI'; try to repair it

[[email protected] ~]# df -h 查看是否空间不足 在查看mysql数据目录情况 mysql> show variables like '%dir%'; +-----------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ | Variable_name                           | Value                              |

[mysql]ERROR 1364 (HY000): Field 'ssl_cipher' doesn't have a default value

From: 我的MySQL版本为5.6.14版本,是二进制包安装的(虽然是二进制包安装的,但是以下问题同样适用于源码安装包安装的MySQL) 今天在我的测试库上添加一个新用户,报错: [[email protected] ~]$ mysql -uroot -p123456 Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be in

MYSQL ERROR 1194 (HY000)

操作系统文件限制大小导致 MYSQL ERROR 1194 (HY000): Table is marked as crashed and should be repaired 问题处理 同事反馈应用在执行查询某张表时候报ERROR 1194 (HY000): Table is marked as crashed and should be repaired 错误 mysql> select * from ims_stat_msg_history where module='basic' and

ERROR 1682 (HY000): Native table 'performance_schema'.'session_variables' has the wrong structure

mysql 5.6升级到mysql5.7查看参数报错 [email protected] [(none)]>show variables like '%data%'; ERROR 1682 (HY000): Native table 'performance_schema'.'session_variables' has the wrong structure --从mysql5.7.6开始information_schema.global_status已经开始被舍弃,为了兼容性,此时需要打开

Mac mySql ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)的解决办法

我的环境:Mac 10.11.6 ,mysql  5.7.14  . mac mySql 报错ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) 这个错是链接时报的错,要链接必须启动.修复的时候首先要启动mysql. 首先来了解一下 mysql.sock的作用: Mysql有两种连接方式: (1),TCP/IP (2),socket 对mysql.sock来说,其

[mysql]ERROR 1364 (HY000): Field 'ssl_cipher' doesn't have a default value 解决方法

在MySQL数据库中的mysql.user表中使用insert语句添加新用户时,可能会出现以下错误: ERROR 1364 (HY000): Field 'ssl_cipher' doesn't have a default value 原因是在my.ini配置文件中有这样一条语句 sql_mode=NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES 指定了严格模式,为了安全,严格模式禁止通过insert 这种形式直接修改mysql库中的user表进行添加新用户

mysql ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2 "No such file or directory")

解决方案如下: mysql ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2 "No such file or directory") 原文地址:

Linux中mysql进入命令行报错:MYSQL ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)

场景:在Linux中安装mysql01和mysql02,通过VIP虚出一个VIP=,mysql01为主ip为192.168.99.153,mysql02为备机ip为192.168.99.154 此时VIP在mysql01上通过 mysql01上连接VIP :mysql -h -P 3306   结果是可以正常进入mysql命令行: 通过mysql02上远程连接VIP 会在界面上报错:mysql error 2003(HY000):Can'