Environment error: “CodeBloks can't find compiler executable in your configured search path's for GNU GCC compiler”

codeblock安装后,提示cant find compiler executable in your configured search paths for GNU GCC Compiler








或者下载MinGW-w64:http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingwbuilds/files/mingw-builds-install/mingw-builds-install.exe 下载后将../bin加到环境变量PATH中然后打开codeblocks中的settings/compiler/ToolChain executables  将Program Files下的c compiler 等等全部设置位置到你刚下载的bin文件下对应的




a.在Code::Blocks的菜单中点击Settings->Compiler,如果安装了上面的GCC请在Selected Compiler选中GNU GCC Compiler.

b.点开Toolchain executables标签,点击Auto-detect之前的文件浏览,找到codebook安装的路径下面的MinGW文件夹,并且保存。


Environment error: “CodeBloks can't find compiler executable in your configured search path's for GNU GCC compiler”

时间: 2024-12-27 19:54:02

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