ntpdate同步时间时错误: no server suitable for synchronization found


ntpdate: no server suitable for synchronization found


~]# ntpdate -b -u pool.ntp.org


~]# man ntpdate


-b      Force the time to be stepped using the settimeofday() system call, rather than slewed (default) using the

adjtime() system call. This option should be used when called from a startup file at boot time.

-u      Direct  ntpdate to use an unprivileged port for outgoing packets. This is most useful when behind a fire-

wall that blocks incoming traffic to privileged ports, and you want to synchronize with hosts beyond  the

firewall. Note that the -d option always uses unprivileged ports.

时间: 2024-12-14 09:46:01

ntpdate同步时间时错误: no server suitable for synchronization found的相关文章

linux部署时间服务器出现错误no server suitable for synchronization found

一台centos最小化安装的机器,yum -y install ntpdate安装ntpdate同步时间.执行ntpdate time.nist.gov,无法与服务器同步时间,并出现以下错误:ntpdate[1897]: no server suitable for synchronization found 执行:ntpdate -d time.nist.gov命令调试的时候,打印结果如下: ntpdate[1976]: ntpdate [email protected] Mon Feb  6

解决ntp的错误 no server suitable for synchronization found

当用ntpdate -d 来查询时会发现导致 no server suitable for synchronization found 的错误的信息有以下2个: 错误1.Server dropped: Strata too high 在ntp客户端运行ntpdate serverIP,出现no server suitable for synchronization found的错误. 在ntp客户端用ntpdate –d serverIP查看,发现有"Server dropped: strata

解决ntp的错误no server suitable for synchronization found

错误现象: [[email protected] ~]# ntpdate 22 May 20:53:07 ntpdate[5580]: no server suitable for synchronization found [[email protected] ~]# ntpdate -d 22 May 20:48:03 ntpdate[5487]: ntpdate [email protected] Wed Jun 18 21:


在用ntpdate同步时间时,提示如下错误,我的服务器在机房托管,很可能机房将NTP流量屏蔽.[[email protected] htpdate]# ntpdate ntp.neu6.edu.cn3 Apr 20:13:31 ntpdate[19954]: no server suitable for synchronization found 解决办法,使用htpdate进行定时同步安装:git clone https://github.com/iridium77/htpdate make&

ntpdate:no server suitable for synchronization found

Question: 在使用ntpdate同步时间时,出现了no server suitable for synchronization found的报错. 通过ntpdate -d s2m.time.edu.cn 使用debug模式没有出现异常. Answer: 解决办法是,使用ntpdate -ubv s2m.time.edu.cn 可以正常同步了.主要是-u选项的作用 -u:Direct ntpdate to use an unprivileged port for outgoing pac

NTP-ntpdate:no server suitable for synchronization found

NTP-ntpdate 问题处理 解决ntp的错误 no server suitable for synchronization found 当用ntpdate -d 来查询时会发现导致 no server suitable for synchronization found 的错误的信息有以下2个: 错误1.Server dropped: Strata too high 在ntp客户端运行ntpdate serverIP,出现no server suitable for synchroniza

Server dropped: no data (ntpdate 同步时间服务器)

记录一下 /usr/sbin/ntpdate -d time.windows.com 29 Dec 22:15:42 ntpdate[3744]: ntpdate [email protected] Tue May 31 10:09:22 UTC 2016 (1) Looking for host time.windows.com and service ntp host found : transmit( transmit(52.169.

rdate时间同步ntpdate[4773] no server suitable for synchronization found解决方案

ntpdate[4773]: no server suitable for synchronization found解决方案 1.安装rdate yum install rdate -y 2.配置时区 vi /etc/sysconfig/clock ZONE="Asia/Shanghai" ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime 3.同步时间 /usr/bin/rdate -s time.nist.gov /sb

解决Linux 服务器ntpdate同步时间报错 the NTP socket is in use, exiting

错误信息: 错误原因分析: 由于 xntpd 已经绑定到了该 Socket.运行 ntpdate 时,它会首先进行广播,然后侦听端口 123. 如果 xntpd 正在运行,而有一个进程已经在侦听该端口了,则会使 ntpdate 无法在上面运行.运行下列命令,即可找出 xntpd 的 PID 解决方案: 出现:pts/0    00:00:00 grep xntpd 表示没有找到pid.使用lsof –i:123 输出: -bash: lsof: command not found 说明没有安装l