dm8148 jpeg编解码测试



1000w像素:  编码时间:43ms;

800w像素:   编码时间:35ms

1080P:       编码时间:10ms

1600w像素:  编码时间:73ms




memory alloc failed,size=26560512,numFrames=4,file=utils/src/utils_mem.c,line=185



[m3video]  58133: Assertion @ Line: 99 in utils/src/utils_ringbuffer.c: status == 0 : failed !!!


encPrm.numBufPerCh[i] = 3;



Latency Measurement on Capture Encode Decode Display Demo



Latency Measurement for Capture Encode/Decode Display application

This is the latency measurements performed on the sample Capture encode/decode display demo delivered along with the EZSDK 5.x for DM816x and DM814x devices from TI. The demo is created with the chain VFCC->DEI->VENC->VDEC->VFPC-SC->VFDC .
This demo is validated on EZSDK and OMX components

The latency numbers are measured for the following resolutions:

  • 1080p60 (Capture, Encode, Decode and Display @ 1080p60)
  • 1080p30 (Capture, Encode, Decode and Display @ 1080p30)
  • 1080p60-30 ( Capture Display @ 1080p60. Encode Decoder @ 1080p30)
  • 720p60 (Capture, Encode, Decode and Display @ 720p60)

Usecase Description

The video data is captured by VFCC component from a HD camera source via HDMI . The captured data is fed to DEI.The DEI output is then encoded by VENC and decoded by VDEC component. The decoded frame is passed to Scalar component
( VFPC Sc) , which does chroma conversion from YUV 420 to YUV 422 format. The scalar ouput is passed to VFDC and the output is displayed on the TV via via on-chip HDMI interface. The IL Client source code is available hereMedia:capture_encode_decode_display.tar.gz

Setup Details

DM816x Base EVM DM816x Rev-C with DDR3 attached with a Video Conferencing Expansion IO (EIO) Card interface. A video source (Tandberg 1080p60 Camera / Sony PS3) is connected to the daughter card via a HDMI interface. The on-chip
HDMI out from the DM816x Base EVM is connected to a TV.

OMX Components Details

Following are the list of OMX components used in the usecase:

  • VFCC (Video Frame Capture Component)
  • VFPC-DEI (Video Frame Processing Component - Deinterlacer)
  • VENC (Video Encode Component)
  • VDEC (Video Decode Component)
  • VFPC-SC (Video Frame Processing Component - Scalar)
  • VFDC (Video Frame Display Component)

Measurement Procedure

  1. The IL-client is executed on ARM side and the corresponding firmware binaries are loaded on the Video and VPSS media controller cores.
  2. The HD camera is focused on a running stop watch video. Glass-to-Glass latency is measured by measuring the time difference between the source time stamp and the time stamp displayed on the TV display.
  3. Timestamps corresponding to various OMX component events for consecutive frames are logged for latency measurements
  4. T0 - Start of capture. (start time for encode path)
  5. T1 - Timestamp when capture of frame is complete
  6. T2 - Timestamp when DEI processing is done
  7. T3 - Timestamp when VENC finish encoding the frame
  8. T4 - Timestamp when VDEC starts decoding the frame
  9. T5 - Timestamp when VDEC finish decoding the frame .
  10. T6 - Timestamp when VFPC scaling is done
  11. T7 - Timestamp when VFDC send the frame to HDMI output for display
  12. T8 - Timestamp when the frame is displayed on TV
  13. From the above timestamps, Running average of various latency values are measured
  • Running average: Series of averages is calculated for a fixed window period (8 Frames) of different subsets of the full data set and final average is calculated from the average series




  1. Glass to Glass Latency T8–T0 - Total delay observed in the system including TV delay
  2. Capture-Encode Latency = Capture-Encode Path delay + Buffers in Capture Driver
  3. Decode-Display Latency = Decode delay + Scalar delay + Display delay


  1. Buffers in Capture Driver - Delay due to buffers held in capure driver. Range is from 0.5 to 1 frame
  2. Capture-Encode Path delay- T3–T1
  3. Buffer Hand Off to Decoder - Delay due to buffers held between VENC and VDEC components. Range is from 1 to 1.5 frames
  4. Decode Delay T5–T4
  5. Scalar Delay T6–T5
  6. Scale/Chroma Con. Display Delay T7–T5 - Cummulative delay for scaling, chroma conversion and display
  7. TV/Monitor Delay - Delay due to the internal processing in the TV/monitor (8ms delay is observed in Samsung LCD TV)

Download the Latest EZSDK

The latest EZSDK is available for download from

The current version is The supported platforms are DM816x and DM814x.

时间: 2024-08-11 09:56:50

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感谢大神分享,虽然现在还看不懂,留着大家一起看啦 PS:有不少人不清楚“FFmpeg”应该怎么读.它读作“ef ef em peg” 0. 背景知识 本章主要介绍一下FFMPEG都用在了哪里(在这里仅列几个我所知的,其实远比这个多).说白了就是为了说明:FFMPEG是非常重要的. 使用FFMPEG作为内核视频播放器: Mplayer,ffplay,射手播放器,暴风影音,KMPlayer,QQ影音... 使用FFMPEG作为内核的Directshow Filter: ffdshow,lav fil


所谓视频编码方式就是指通过特定的压缩技术,将某个视频格式的文件转换成另一种视频格式文件的方式.视频流传输中最为重要的编解码标准有国际电联的H.261.H.263.H.264,运动静止图像专家组的M-JPEG和国际标准化组织运动图像专家组的MPEG系列标准,此外在互联网上被广泛应用的还有Real-Networks的RealVideo.微软公司的WMV以及Apple公司的QuickTime等. 中文名 视频编码 外文名 Video Encoding 分    类 H.26x系列,MPEG系列,AVS


摘要:          整理了一些基本视音频术语,用于入门和查询使用. H264: H264是视频的标准,是MPEG4-10,基于内容的高效编码方式. H.264/MPEG-4第10部分,或称AVC(AdvancedVideo Coding,高级视频编码),是一种视频压缩标准,一种被广泛使用的高精度视频的录制.压缩和发布格式.第一版标准的最终草案于 整理了一些基本视音频术语,用于入门和查询使用. H264: H264是视频的标准,是MPEG4-10,基于内容的高效编码方式. H.264/MPE


本文转载自: 在CSDN上的这一段日子,接触到了很多同行业的人,尤其是使用FFMPEG进行视音频编解码的人,有的已经是有多年经验的“大神”,有的是刚开始学习的初学者.在和大家探讨的过程中,我忽然发现了一个问题:在“大神”和初学者之间好像有一个不可逾越的鸿沟.“大神”们水平高超,探讨着深奥的问题:而初学者们还停留在入门阶段.究竟是什么原因造成的这种“两极分化”呢?最后,我发现了问


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