c++11 vector使用emplace_back代替push_back







#include "emplace.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>

namespace emplace_ {

// reference: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/vector/vector/emplace_back/
int test_emplace_1()
        template <class... Args>
        void emplace_back (Args&&... args);
    std::vector<int> myvector = { 10, 20, 30 };


    std::cout << "myvector contains:";
    for (auto& x : myvector)
        std::cout << ‘ ‘ << x;
    std::cout << ‘\n‘;

        template <class... Args>
        iterator emplace (const_iterator position, Args&&... args);
    std::vector<int> myvector = { 10, 20, 30 };

    auto it = myvector.emplace(myvector.begin() + 1, 100);
    myvector.emplace(it, 200);
    myvector.emplace(myvector.end(), 300);

    std::cout << "myvector contains:";
    for (auto& x : myvector)
        std::cout << ‘ ‘ << x;
    std::cout << ‘\n‘;

    return 0;

// reference: http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/vector/emplace_back
namespace {
struct President {
    std::string name;
    std::string country;
    int year;

    President(std::string p_name, std::string p_country, int p_year)
        : name(std::move(p_name)), country(std::move(p_country)), year(p_year)
        std::cout << "I am being constructed.\n";
    President(President&& other)
        : name(std::move(other.name)), country(std::move(other.country)), year(other.year)
        std::cout << "I am being moved.\n";
    President& operator=(const President& other) = default;

int test_emplace_2()
        The following code uses emplace_back to append an object of type President to a std::vector.
        It demonstrates how emplace_back forwards parameters to the President constructor and shows
        how using emplace_back avoids the extra copy or move operation required when using push_back.
    std::vector<President> elections;
    std::cout << "emplace_back:\n";
    elections.emplace_back("Nelson Mandela", "South Africa", 1994);

    std::vector<President> reElections;
    std::cout << "\npush_back:\n";
    reElections.push_back(President("Franklin Delano Roosevelt", "the USA", 1936));

    std::cout << "\nContents:\n";
    for (President const& president : elections) {
        std::cout << president.name << " was elected president of "
            << president.country << " in " << president.year << ".\n";
    for (President const& president : reElections) {
        std::cout << president.name << " was re-elected president of "
            << president.country << " in " << president.year << ".\n";

    return 0;

// reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4303513/push-back-vs-emplace-back
int test_emplace_3()
        template <class... Args>
        pair<iterator,bool> emplace (Args&&... args);
    typedef std::tuple<int, double, std::string> Complicated;

    std::map<int, Complicated> m;
    int anInt = 4;
    double aDouble = 5.0;
    std::string aString = "C++";

    // cross your finger so that the optimizer is really good
    //m.insert(/*std::make_pair*/std::pair<int, Complicated>(4, Complicated(anInt, aDouble, aString)));
    m.insert(std::make_pair(4, Complicated(anInt, aDouble, aString)));

    // should be easier for the optimizer
    m.emplace(6, Complicated(anInt, aDouble, aString));
        std::piecewise_construct: This constant value is passed as the first argument to construct a pair object
        to select the constructor form that constructs its members in place by forwarding the elements of two
        tuple objects to their respective constructor.
    m.emplace(std::piecewise_construct, std::make_tuple(8), std::make_tuple(anInt, aDouble, aString));

    return 0;

// reference: https://corecplusplustutorial.com/difference-between-emplace_back-and-push_back-function/
namespace {
class Dat {
    int i;
    std::string ss;
    char c;

    Dat(int ii, std::string s, char cc) :i(ii), ss(s), c(cc) { }

    ~Dat() { }

int test_emplace_4()
    std::vector<Dat> vec;

    vec.push_back(Dat(89, "New", ‘G‘)); // efficiency lesser
    //vec.push_back(678, "Newer", ‘O‘); // error,push_back can’t accept three arguments
    vec.emplace_back(890, "Newest", ‘D‘); // work fine, efficiency is also more

    return 0;

} // namespace emplace_


时间: 2025-01-08 17:48:37

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最近在写一段代码的时候,突然很好奇C++11中对push_back有没有什么改进以增加效率,上网搜了一些资料,发现果然新增了emplace_back方法,比push_back的效率要高很多. 首先,写了一个类用于计时, //time_interval.h #pragma once #include <iostream> #include <memory> #include <string> #ifdef GCC #include <sys/time.h> #


std::vector::emplace_back C++ Containers library std::vector template< class... Args >void emplace_back( Args&&... args );   (since C++11)       Appends a new element to the end of the container. The element is constructed in-place, i.e. no

学习 emplace_back() 和 push_back 的区别 emplace_back效率高

在引入右值引用,转移构造函数,转移复制运算符之前,通常使用push_back()向容器中加入一个右值元素(临时对象)的时候,首先会调用构造函数构造这个临时对象,然后需要调用拷贝构造函数将这个临时对象放入容器中.原来的临时变量释放.这样造成的问题是临时变量申请的资源就浪费. c++11引入了右值引用,转移构造函数(请看这里)后,push_back()右值时就会调用构造函数和转移构造函数. 在这上面有进一步优化的空间就是使用emplace_back emplace_back   在容器尾部添加一个元


上篇将了对于struct或是class为何emplace_back要优越于push_back,但是还有一些细节没有提及.今天就谈一谈emplace_back造成的引用失效. 直接撸代码了: #include <vector> #include <string> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { vector<int> ivec; ivec.emplace_back(1); ivec.e

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emplace_back() 和 push_back 的区别

在引入右值引用,转移构造函数,转移复制运算符之前,通常使用push_back()向容器中加入一个右值元素(临时对象)的时候,首先会调用构造函数构造这个临时对象,然后需要调用拷贝构造函数将这个临时对象放入容器中.原来的临时变量释放.这样造成的问题是临时变量申请的资源就浪费. 引入了右值引用,转移构造函数后,push_back()右值时就会调用构造函数和转移构造函数. 在这上面有进一步优化的空间就是使用emplace_back. 函数原型 template <class... Args> void

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[本文谢绝转载] <大纲> STL 算法 查找算法 adjacent_find()查找容器中重复元素的首地址 distance()根据迭代器,返回元素的下标 binary_search()二分查找:在有序的序列 find   查找函数 find_if 自定义查找函数 统计算法 count 返回容器中相同元素的个数 cout_if 统计大于3的元素个数 排序算法 marge()对两个有序容器组合到另一个容器 sort 自定义排序 random_shuffle 随机洗牌 基本数据类型 random


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