Modern C++ Course [Lecture 2] {Compilation, Debugging, Functions, Header/Source, Libraries, CMake}

 make bash file executable

Wall: Warning all

Wextra: add even more extra Warning

Werror: treat Warnings as errors

by default, there‘s no optimization.


-O3 -Ofaster

"segmentation fault" means you are using some unallowed memory.

use reference to avoid copy, and save a lot time!

 explaining how reference as function variable works.

Announce default variables only in declaration (typo above...).

sort, sumation, multiplication standard operation in std::vector

every header file should include "#pragma once", otherwise you would get wierd errors.

the compiler doesn‘t know the definition of the test.cpp.

simply add the 2nd line will make the "c++ main.cpp ... " work, but no output!

build the test.cpp first, and include the result .o file into main.cpp building.

     c++ workflow!!!

.o file is binary and only machine can read it.

 maybe there‘s a branch of changing now in makefile. but this file is simple and readable.


时间: 2024-08-30 09:56:12

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