[Redux] Supplying the Initial State

We will learn how to start a Redux app with a previously persisted state, and how it merges with the initial state specified by the reducers.

The initial state of store is defined by the rootReducers:

const todoApp = combineReducers({

And we use ‘todoApp‘ to create store:

const store = createStore(todoApp);

So the initial state should be default value of each reducer‘s state:

const todos = (state = [], action) => { ...

const visibilityFilter = (state = ‘SHOW_ALL‘, action) => { ...

If we want to show some persosted data as initial state, we can pass the persisted data as a second args to ‘createStore()‘ function:

const persistedState = {
  todos: [
      id: 0,
      text: "Redux",
      completed: false

const store = createStore(todoApp, persistedState);

So the rules are:

  • If there is persisted data you want to display, use this second args, otherwise use ES6 default param
  • Once persisted data is passed in, it will overwrite the default params.
时间: 2024-09-28 21:49:44

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Store是一个对象.他有如下职责: 1.存放state 2.对外提供访问state的接口: getState() 3.允许state更新:dispatch(action) 4.注册监听器: subscribe(listener) 5.注销监听器,通过subscribe返回的函数 redux所在的应用只能有一个store实例,如果想将state操作分解成多个逻辑,只能将Reducer的代码分解为多个部分,以函数调用的方式提取出来处理各自的逻辑. 当我们已经有一个处理state的Reducer函数


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