Remote Desktop

Enable Remote Desktop to connect to the Server from other Computers.

This exmaple shows to enable single session function of Remote Desktop which Windows ClientOSs also have.

[1] Run Server Manager and Select [Local Server] on the left Pane, then click [Disabled] for [Remote Desktop] section.
[2] Check a box [Allow remote connections to this computer].
[3] The message that Firewall exception for Remote desktop is enabled, click [OK] button.
[4] Click [OK] button to apply settings.
[5] Remote Desktop function has turned to [Enabled].

Remote Desktop : Client Settings

This is how to connect to Remote Desktop session from ClientOS. This exmaple is on Windows 10 Pro.

[1] Right-click Windows icon and open [run] and input "mstsc" like follows.
[2] Input Hostname or IP address you'd like to connect and click [Connect] button. For other sections, change or set any parameter you like.
[3] Input Username and Password you'd like to logon as.
[4] The message for Certificates is shown like follows. Click [Yes] to proceed.
[5] Just connected.

Remote Desktop Service : Install

Install Remote Desktop Service. It can connect to a Server with multi session from remote Computers.

It needs that the Computer you'd like to install RDS (Remote Desktop Service) is a domain member Server.
(It is not recommended to install RDS in Domain Controller because of security risk or performance reasons.)

[2] Run Server Manager and Click [Add roles and features].
[3] Click [Next] button.
[4] Select [Remote Desktop Services installation].
[5] On this example, select [Standard deployment] to proceed.
[6] On this example, select [Session-based desktop deployment].
[7] Click [Next] button.
[8] Specify Remote Desktop connection broker server. The servers in the Domain are listed, select from it.
[9] Specify Remote Desktop Web Access server. The servers in the Domain are listed, select from it.
[10] Specify Remote Desktop Session Host server. The servers in the Domain are listed, select from it.
[11] Check a box [Restart the destination server automatically if required] and click [Deploy] button.
[12] During installation, System will restart once. After finishing installation, Click [Close] button.

Remote Desktop Service : Create Session Collections

Create Session Collections to manage Remote Desktop Service.

[1] Run Server Manager and Select [Remote Desktop Services] on the left pane.
[2] Click [Create session collections] on the right pane.
[3] Click [Next] button.
[4] Specify session collection name.
[5] Specify Remote Desktop session Host server. The servers in the Domain are listed, select from it.
[6] Specify users or groups you allow to access to session collection.
[7] Specify user profile disks. If enabled, it's possible to use the same settings on other environment.
[8] Confirm selections and click [Create] button if all OK.
[9] After finishing all, click [Close] button.

Remote Desktop Service : Publish RemoteApp

Publish RemoteApp to connect to applications remotely from other computers.

[1] Run Server Manager and Click Session Collection you created in previous section.
(the example of it below is "")
[2] Click [Publish RemoteApp programs] on the right pane.
[3] Check boxes of programs you'd like to publish.This example selects "Server Manager" to proceed.
[4] Click [Publish] button to apply settings.
[5] Click [Close] button to finish settings.
For connecting from Clients, refer to the next section.

Remote Desktop Service : Connect to RemoteApp

Connect to published RemoteApp on RDS server from Client computers.

This example is on Windows 10 pro which is not in Active Directory Domain. (but primary DNS setting is AD)

[1] Run Web Browser and access to [https://(RemoteApp published server)/RdWeb/].
Then, input username and password who is allowed to access by session collection setting.
[2] After signing-in normally, follwoing screen is shown. Click an icon you'd like to run remote program.
[3] Click [Connect] button if it's OK to connect.
[4] Just connected to RemoteApp. RemoteApp shows only application Window not whole desktop like follows.
[5] By the way, it's possible to connect to whole Desktop. Click [Connect to a remote PC] and Specify the server or screen resolution and so on.
[6] Just connected.


时间: 2024-08-29 21:34:28

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