How to Restore File Error 3219 on Microsoft SQL Servers

File error 3219 occurs on Microsoft SQL servers where you are
attempting to improperly restore a database with the "Restore Files and
Filegroups" command instead of the Restore Database command. Obviate this error
by repeating your backup procedure, utilizing the correct command in a process
that takes less than 10 minutes in most cases.


    • Right-click the database to be restored.

    • 2

      Select the "Restore Database" option.

    • 3

      Click "From Device" and select "Read backup set information."

    • 4

      Click "Add" and select the backup file you wish to use.

    • 5

      Press "OK" twice to commence the backup, obviating the error 3219

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时间: 2025-01-09 04:04:22

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