nova rebuild

nova rebuild

usage: nova rebuild [--rebuild-password <rebuild-password>] [--poll]
                    [--minimal] [--preserve-ephemeral] [--name <name>]
                    [--description <description>] [--meta <key=value>]
                    [--file <dst-path=src-path>]
                    <server> <image>

Shutdown, re-image, and re-boot a server.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of server.
Name or ID of new image.

Optional arguments:

--rebuild-password <rebuild-password>
Set the provided admin password on the rebuilt server.
Report the server rebuild progress until it completes.
Skips flavor/image lookups when showing servers.
Preserve the default ephemeral storage partition on rebuild.
--name <name>
Name for the new server.
--description <description>
New description for the server. (Supported by API versions ‘2.19’ - ‘2.latest’)
--meta <key=value>
Record arbitrary key/value metadata to /meta_data.json on the metadata server. Can be specified multiple times.
--file <dst-path=src-path>
Store arbitrary files from <src-path> locally to <dst-path> on the new server. You may store up to 5 files.

时间: 2024-11-15 00:43:59

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目录结构: 引出 采用 nova get-password 方式 采用 libvirt-set-admin-password 采用 nova rebuild instance 的方式 采用 cloud-init 的方式 引出 要解决的问题很明确:就是如果虚拟机的连接采用用户名密码登录的方式,而密码忘记的话,需要采取什么手段解决. 其实解决方案是要取决于真实的生产环境,虚拟化方式的不同,初始化虚拟机密码方式的不同,openstack版本的不同,都会造成某个方案的可行不可行.以下几种方案可能或多或少

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