1. 什么是Realm?
因此,可以通过现有数据库里的用户名、密码以及角色来配置Tomcat,从而来支持容器管理的安全性(container managed security)。如果你使用一个网络程序,而这个程序里包括了一个或多个<security-constraint>元素,以及一个定义用户怎样认证他们自己的<login-config>元素,那你就需要设置这些Realm。
2. 如何配置使用Tomcat自带的Realm?
Tomcat 7中提供了六种标准Realm,用来支持与各个认证信息来源的连接:
- JDBCRealm - 通过JDBC驱动来访问贮存在关系数据库里的认证信息。
- DataSourceRealm - 通过一个叫做JNDI JDBC 的数据源(DataSource)来访问贮存在关系数据库里的认证信息。
- UserDatabaseRealm - 通过一个叫做UserDatabase JNDI 的数据源来访问认证信息,该数据源通过XML文件(conf/tomcat-users.xml)来进行备份使用。
- JNDIRealm - 通过JNDI provider来访问贮存在基于LDAP(轻量级目录访问协议)的目录服务器里的认证信息。
- MemoryRealm - 访问贮存在电脑内存里的认证信息,它是通过一个XML文件(conf/tomcat-users.xml)来进行初始化的。
- JAASRealm - 使用 Java Authentication & Authorization Service (JAAS)访问认证信息。
<Realm className="... class name for this implementation"
... other attributes for this implementation .../>
在<Engine>元素里边 - 这个域(Realm)将会被所有虚拟主机上的所有网络程序共享,除非它被嵌套在下级<Host> 或<Context>元素里的Realm元素覆盖。
在<Host>元素里边 - 这个域(Realm)将会被该虚拟主机上所有的网络程序所共享,除非它被嵌套在下级<Context>元素里的Realm元素覆盖。
在<Context>元素里边 - 这个域(Realm)只被该网络程序使用。
3. 如何配置使用我们自定义的Realm?
- 实现org.apache.catalina.Realm接口;
- 把编译过的Realm放到 $CATALINA_HOME/lib里边;
- 像上面配置标准realm一样在server.xml文件中声明你的realm;
- 在MBeans描述符里声明你的realm。
3.1 实现org.apache.catalina.Realm接口
// -----------------------------------------------Directory Server Instance Variables /** * The type of authentication to use. */ protected String authentication = null; /** * The connection username for the directory server we will contact. */ protected String ldapConnectionName = null; /** * The connection password for the directory server we will contact. */ protected String ldapConnectionPassword = null; /** * The connection URL for the directory server we will contact. */ protected String ldapConnectionURL = null; /** * The directory context linking us to our directory server. */ protected DirContext context = null; /** * The JNDI context factory used to acquire our InitialContext. By * default, assumes use of an LDAP server using the standard JNDI LDAP * provider. */ protected String contextFactory = "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory"; /** * How aliases should be dereferenced during search operations. */ protected String derefAliases = null; /** * Constant that holds the name of the environment property for specifying * the manner in which aliases should be dereferenced. */ public final static String DEREF_ALIASES = "java.naming.ldap.derefAliases"; /** * The protocol that will be used in the communication with the * directory server. */ protected String protocol = null; /** * Should we ignore PartialResultExceptions when iterating over NamingEnumerations? * Microsoft Active Directory often returns referrals, which lead * to PartialResultExceptions. Unfortunately there‘s no stable way to detect, * if the Exceptions really come from an AD referral. * Set to true to ignore PartialResultExceptions. */ protected boolean adCompat = false; /** * How should we handle referrals? Microsoft Active Directory often returns * referrals. If you need to follow them set referrals to "follow". * Caution: if your DNS is not part of AD, the LDAP client lib might try * to resolve your domain name in DNS to find another LDAP server. */ protected String referrals = null; /** * The base element for user searches. */ protected String userBase = ""; /** * The message format used to search for a user, with "{0}" marking * the spot where the username goes. */ protected String userSearch = null; /** * The MessageFormat object associated with the current * <code>userSearch</code>. */ protected MessageFormat userSearchFormat = null; /** * Should we search the entire subtree for matching users? */ protected boolean userSubtree = false; /** * The attribute name used to retrieve the user password. */ protected String userPassword = null; /** * A string of LDAP user patterns or paths, ":"-separated * These will be used to form the distinguished name of a * user, with "{0}" marking the spot where the specified username * goes. * This is similar to userPattern, but allows for multiple searches * for a user. */ protected String[] userPatternArray = null; /** * The message format used to form the distinguished name of a * user, with "{0}" marking the spot where the specified username * goes. */ protected String ldapUserPattern = null; /** * An array of MessageFormat objects associated with the current * <code>userPatternArray</code>. */ protected MessageFormat[] userPatternFormatArray = null; /** * An alternate URL, to which, we should connect if ldapConnectionURL fails. */ protected String ldapAlternateURL; /** * The number of connection attempts. If greater than zero we use the * alternate url. */ protected int connectionAttempt = 0; /** * The timeout, in milliseconds, to use when trying to create a connection * to the directory. The default is 5000 (5 seconds). */ protected String connectionTimeout = "5000"; // --------------------------------------------------JDBC Instance Variables /** * The connection username to use when trying to connect to the database. */ protected String jdbcConnectionName = null; /** * The connection password to use when trying to connect to the database. */ protected String jdbcConnectionPassword = null; /** * The connection URL to use when trying to connect to the database. */ protected String jdbcConnectionURL = null; /** * The connection to the database. */ protected Connection dbConnection = null; /** * Instance of the JDBC Driver class we use as a connection factory. */ protected Driver driver = null; /** * The JDBC driver name to use. */ protected String jdbcDriverName = null; /** * The PreparedStatement to use for identifying the roles for * a specified user. */ protected PreparedStatement preparedRoles = null; /** * The string manager for this package. */ protected static final StringManager sm = StringManager.getManager(Constants.Package); /** * The column in the user role table that names a role */ protected String roleNameCol = null; /** * The column in the user role table that holds the user‘s name */ protected String userNameCol = null; /** * The table that holds the relation between user‘s and roles */ protected String userRoleTable = null; /** * Descriptive information about this Realm implementation. */ protected static final String info = "XXXXXX"; /** * Descriptive information about this Realm implementation. */ protected static final String name = "XXXRealm";
3.2 将Realm编译成.class文件
写好自定义Realm过后,就需要编译了,建议单独建个包编译出.class文件,注意只需要.class文件,而该class文件所依赖的Tomcat相关jar包不需要,为什么?因为 $CATALINA_HOME/lib里边已经有了。
3.3 在MBeans描述符里声明你的realm
什么是MBeans描述符?这里有详细的介绍,简单说就是Tomcat使用JMX MBeans技术来实现Tomcat的远程监控和管理,在每个package下面都必须有一个MBeans描述符配置文件,叫做:mbeans-descriptor.xml,如果你没有给自定义的组件定义该配置文件,就会抛出"ManagedBean is not found"异常。
<mbean name="XXXRealm" description="Custom XXXRealm..." domain="Catalina" group="Realm" type="com.myfirm.mypackage.XXXRealm"> <attribute name="className" description="Fully qualified class name of the managed object" type="java.lang.String" writeable="false"/> <attribute name="debug" description="The debugging detail level for this component" type="int"/> ... </mbean>
具体的可用参考Tomcat源码中realm包下的mbeans文件。该配置文件十分重要,里面的attribute元素直接对应自定义Realm源码中对应的实例变量字段,也就是我上面贴出来的代码,不过并不是每个实例变量都要添加进来,添加的都是一些重要的需要我们自己在server.xml文件中指明的属性(后面讲),比如JDBC 驱动、数据库用户名、密码、URL等等,这里的attribute名必须与代码中的变量名完全一致,不能出错,否则读取不到相应的值。
<?xml version="1.0"?> <mbeans-descriptors> <mbean name="CoralXRRealm" description="Implementation of Realm that works with a directory server accessed via the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) APIs and JDBC supported database" domain="Catalina" group="Realm" type="org.opencoral.xreport.realm.CoralXRRealm"> <attribute name="className" description="Fully qualified class name of the managed object" type="java.lang.String" writeable="false"/> <attribute name="ldapConnectionName" description="The connection username for the directory server we will contact" type="java.lang.String"/> <attribute name="ldapConnectionPassword" description="The connection password for the directory server we will contact" type="java.lang.String"/> <attribute name="ldapConnectionURL" description="The connection URL for the directory server we will contact" type="java.lang.String"/> <attribute name="contextFactory" description="The JNDI context factory for this Realm" type="java.lang.String"/> <attribute name="digest" description="Digest algorithm used in storing passwords in a non-plaintext format" type="java.lang.String"/> <attribute name="userBase" description="The base element for user searches" type="java.lang.String"/> <attribute name="userPassword" description="The attribute name used to retrieve the user password" type="java.lang.String"/> <attribute name="ldapUserPattern" description="The message format used to select a user" type="java.lang.String"/> <attribute name="userSearch" description="The message format used to search for a user" type="java.lang.String"/> <attribute name="userSubtree" description="Should we search the entire subtree for matching users?" type="boolean"/> <attribute name="jdbcConnectionName" description="The connection username to use when trying to connect to the database" type="java.lang.String"/> <attribute name="jdbcConnectionPassword" description="The connection URL to use when trying to connect to the database" type="java.lang.String"/> <attribute name="jdbcConnectionURL" description="The connection URL to use when trying to connect to the database" type="java.lang.String"/> <attribute name="jdbcDriverName" description="The JDBC driver to use" type="java.lang.String"/> <attribute name="roleNameCol" description="The column in the user role table that names a role" type="java.lang.String"/> <attribute name="userNameCol" description="The column in the user role table that holds the user‘s username" type="java.lang.String"/> <attribute name="userRoleTable" description="The table that holds the relation between user‘s and roles" type="java.lang.String"/> <operation name="start" description="Start" impact="ACTION" returnType="void" /> <operation name="stop" description="Stop" impact="ACTION" returnType="void" /> <operation name="init" description="Init" impact="ACTION" returnType="void" /> <operation name="destroy" description="Destroy" impact="ACTION" returnType="void" /> </mbean> </mbeans-descriptors>
3.4 将Realm编译后的文件打成jar包
具体是:将Realm编译后的.class文件和mbeans-descriptor.xml文件打成jar包放到 $CATALINA_HOME/lib里边。
|-- com
|-- ustc
|-- realm
|-- CustomRealm.class
|-- mbeans-descriptor.xml
jar cvf customrealm.jar .
3.5 像配置标准realm一样在server.xml文件中声明你的realm
<!-- This Realm uses the UserDatabase configured in the global JNDI resources under the key "UserDatabase". Any edits that are performed against this UserDatabase are immediately available for use by the Realm. --> <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm" resourceName="UserDatabase"/>
<Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JNDIRealm" connectionURL="ldap://localhost:389" userPattern="uid={0},ou=people,dc=mycompany,dc=com" roleBase="ou=groups,dc=mycompany,dc=com" roleName="cn" roleSearch="(uniqueMember={0})" />
<Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm" driverName="org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver" connectionURL="jdbc:mysql://localhost/authority?user=dbuser&password=dbpass" userTable="users" userNameCol="user_name" userCredCol="user_pass" userRoleTable="user_roles" roleNameCol="role_name"/>
<Realm className="com.ustc.realm.CustomRealm" ldapConnectionURL="ldap://server ip:389" ldapUserPattern="uid={0},ou=people,dc=mycompany" jdbcDriverName="org.postgresql.Driver" jdbcConnectionURL="jdbc:postgresql://dbserver ip:port" jdbcConnectionName="xxx" jdbcConnectionPassword="xxx" digest="MD5" userRoleTable="user_roles" userNameCol="user_name" roleNameCol="role_name" />
- Realm声明里面的字段名必须与Realm源码及mbeans-descriptor.xml文件中的字段名对应,三者必须一致,否则就读取不到我们在这里设置的具体值;
- Realm声明里面不能加注释语句,否则会报错。
4. Realm的优点
- 安全:对于每个现有的Realm实现里,用户的密码(默认情况下)以明文形式被贮存。在许多环境中,这是不理想的,因为任何人看见了认证数据都可以收集足够信息成功登录,冒充其他用户。为了避免这个问题,标准的实现支持digesting用户密码的概念。这被贮存的密码是被加密后的(以一种不易被转换回去的形式),但是Realm实现还是可以用它来认证。当一个标准的realm通过取得贮存的密码并把它与用户提供的密码值作比较来认证时,你可通过在你的元素<Realm>上指定digest属性选择digested密码。这个属性的值必须是java.security.MessageDigest class (SHA, MD2, or MD5)支持的digest 算法之一。当你选择这一选项,贮存在Realm里的密码内容必须是这个密码的明文形式,然后被指定的运算法则来加密。当这个Realm的authenticate()方法被调用,用户指定的(明文)密码被相同的运算法来加密,它的结果与Realm返回的值作比较。如果两个值对等的话,就意味着原始密码的明文版与用户提供的一样,所以这个用户就被认证了。
- 调试方便:每个Realm排错和异常信息将由与这个realm的容器(Context, Host,或 Engine)相关的日志配置记录下来,方便我们调试。
- Realm Configuration HOW-TO
- 在tomcat中使用Realm(JDBCRealm示例)
- TOMCAT中配置JNDIRealm实现用户认证
- Tomcat <Realm>配置(JDBCRealm配置使用)
- Apache Tomcat 5.5 Servlet/JSP 容器的权限管理 - 域(Realm)的设置