

The Canvas is the area for all UI elements to be inside. The Canvas is a Game Object with a Canvas component on it, and all UI elements must be children of such a Canvas.


When you create a new UI element, such as an Image using the menu GameObject > UI > Image, a Canvas is automatically created too, if there isn’t already a Canvas in the scene. The UI element is created as a child to this Canvas.


The Canvas area is shown as a rectangle in the Scene View. This makes it easy to position UI elements without needing to have the Game View visible at all times.


Draw order of elements(UI元素绘制的顺序)

UI elements in the Canvas are drawn in the same order they appear in the Hierarchy. The first child is drawn first, the second child next, and so on. If two UI elements overlap, the later one will appear on top of the earlier one.


To change which element appear on top of other elements, simply reorder the elements in the Hierarchy by dragging them. The order can also be controlled from scripting by using these methods on the Transform component: SetAsFirstSibling, SetAsLastSibling, and SetSiblingIndex.


SetAsFirstSibling, SetAsLastSibling, and SetSiblingIndex.这样方法来设置UI元素绘制的顺序.

Render Modes(渲染模式)

The Canvas has a Render Mode setting which can be used to make it render in screen space or world space.

Canvas可以通过设置渲染方式来确定哪些元素可以渲染在screen space或者world space上.

Screen Space - Overlay

This render mode places UI elements on the screen rendered on top of the scene. If the screen is resized or changes resolution, the Canvas will automatically change size to match as well.


UI in screen space overlay canvas(screen space里的UI元素通过overlay方式渲染效果)

Screen Space - Camera

This is similar to Screen Space - Overlay, but in this render mode, the Canvas is placed a given distance in front of a specified Camera. The UI elements are rendered by this camera, which means that the Camera settings affect the appearance of the UI. If the Camera is set to Perspective, the UI elements will be rendered with perspective, and the amount of perspective distortion can be controlled by the Camera Field of View. If the screen is resized or changes resolution, or the camera frustrum changes, the Canvas will automatically change size to match as well.

这种渲染方式和Screen Space-Overlay方式很相似,不过在这种渲染方式中,Canvas是被放置在离一个特定的摄像机的特定的距离上.UI元素通过这个摄像机来进行渲染,这意味着摄像机的设置会影响UI元素的效果.如果摄像机的Projection被设置为投射图(Perspective),那么UI元素也会通过Perspective渲染,透视图的失真量(失真程度)可以通过摄像机视野大小来控制(这句话不太明白),如果屏幕的尺寸或者分辨率改变,或者摄像机的frustrum(??)改变,那么Canvas也会自适应这种改变.

UI in screen space camera canvas(UI元素通过Screen Space-Camera渲染)

World Space

This render mode makes the Canvas behave as any other object in the scene. The size of the Canvas can be set manually using its Rect Transform, and UI elements will render in front of or behind other objects in the scene based on 3D placement. This is useful for UIs that are meant to be a part of the world, also sometimes referred to as diegetic interfaces.

这种渲染方式使得摄像机表现得就如同Scene视图下的其他物体一样.Canvas的大小可以通过手动改变它的Rect Transform组件,UI元素就会依据他们在3D场景中的位置被渲染在别的物体之前或者之后.这点来说对于UI元素非常有用,因为这意味着UI元素和别的游戏物体一样,也成为游戏视图中的一个成分,有时也被当做diegetic(剧情)接口

UI in world space canvas(UI元素通过WorldSpace这种方式渲染)

时间: 2024-10-07 08:06:32


Unity3D UGUI学习系列索引(未完成)

U3D UGUI学习1 - 层级环境 U3D UGUI学习2 - Canvas U3D UGUI学习3 - RectTransform U3D UGUI学习4 - Text U3D UGUI学习5 - Layout和文字适配


利用空余时间学习一下html5. 1 <!doctype html> 2 <html> 3 <head></head> 4 <body> 5 <canvas id="clock" width="500" height="500"></canvas> 6 <script> 7 var clock=document.getElementById('cloc


原文:[猪猪-前端]微信打飞机高质量Demo,学习HTML5+Canvas技术编写,下载即可使用,注释齐全. 源代码下载地址: //获取绘图环境 02 var canvas=document.getElementById('canvas'); 03 var context=canvas.getContext('2d'); 04   05   06 //创建对象集合 (集合所有精灵) 07 var 

学习HTML5 canvas遇到的问题

学习HTML5 canvas遇到的问题 1. 非零环绕原则(nonzZero rule) 非零环绕原则是canvas在进行填充的时候是否要进行填充的判断依据. 在判断填充的区域拉一条线出来,拉到图形的外面,这条拉出来的线就是辅助线.判断绘制的线是否是从辅助线的左边穿过到辅助线的右边,此时这种穿过的方式记录为+1;如果是从辅助线的右边穿到辅助线的左边,就记做-1.最后将所有记录的数字进行求和,如果求和的结果为0,代表这块区域不要填充,否则,必须填充 上面的原理较难理解,可以这样理解,当在大矩形中绘

转载《学习HTML5 canvas遇到的问题》

学习HTML5 canvas遇到的问题 1. 非零环绕原则(nonzZero rule) 非零环绕原则是canvas在进行填充的时候是否要进行填充的判断依据. 在判断填充的区域拉一条线出来,拉到图形的外面,这条拉出来的线就是辅助线.判断绘制的线是否是从辅助线的左边穿过到辅助线的右边,此时这种穿过的方式记录为+1;如果是从辅助线的右边穿到辅助线的左边,就记做-1.最后将所有记录的数字进行求和,如果求和的结果为0,代表这块区域不要填充,否则,必须填充 上面的原理较难理解,可以这样理解,当在大矩形中绘


前言 上一节,学会了Paint,Canvas的基本用法后,这一节,学习Paint的高级用法.还没看过上一节的请点击这里:Android_2D绘图的学习Paint,Canvas(一). 一,文字的绘制 在做UI的时候,常常会绘制文字,Canvas绘制文字时,主要考虑到字体的宽度和高度问题.字体的宽度比较好理解,这里我们主要考虑一下字体的高度. 先看一张图,网上搜的: 这里说明了在安卓中绘制字体时对于高度的划分:top,ascent,baseLine,descent,bottom.有点类似我们刚开始


前言 上一节,学习了Paint的高级用法后,这一节我们将canvas的用法.主要涉及到canvas的绘制坐标变换translate,rotate.还没看过上一节的请点击这里:Android_2D绘图的学习Paint,Canvas(二). 一,translate translate在很多语言的图像处理中都存在,意思是平移,在canvas中,他表示平移坐标原点.比如说,你要在一个View的中心点画一个半径为r圆.你可以这样直接画:canvas.drawCircle(getWidth()/2,getH


UGUI是Unity3D4.6官方提供的UI系统,支持2D和3D UI的开发. Unity3D UI史 OnGUI 在Unity4.6之前,官方提供的是OnGUI函数来开发UI界面,当然问题也比较多,首先不支持可视化开发,其次UI始终位于所有3D对象的上方,无法实现在UI上添加3D模型的效果. 现在一般这套系统多用来在Unity编辑器中开发界面或者快速搭建一些调试界面时使用. NGUI 大名鼎鼎的NGUI是可以看做是开发Unity游戏必备的插件,支持可视化开发,同时也支持2D和3D UI的开发,


此次记录数据为Unity4.6 B21版本.新版的UGUI已经有很好的效果,开发效率也大大的提高.跟NGUI操作类似,制作3D UI也非常方便. 一.Canvas->Render Mode提供了三种渲染模式. 1.Screen Space-Overlay模式不支持分辨率自适应,在Rect Transform调整的Rotation参数无法对其造成影响. 2.Screen Spcae-Camera 采用相机渲染,这种模式需要设置一个UI相机来专门对UI渲染,类似NGUI的Camera,且支持分辨率自