Release Notes - Apache Storm - Version 0.9.2-incub

Release Notes - Apache Storm - Version 0.9.2-incubating


  • [STORM-207] - Add storm-starter as a module
  • [STORM-208] - Add storm-kafka as a module
  • [STORM-223] - Safe YAML Parsing
  • [STORM-232] - ship JNI dependencies with the storm jar
  • [STORM-233] - Avoid worker killed on startup because of heavy ZK load
  • [STORM-235] - Registering a null metric should blow up early
  • [STORM-318] - storm-kafka curator.version fix


  • [STORM-86] - KafkaSpout in storm 0.9.0_rc2 does not work
  • [STORM-113] - TridentUtils.thriftDeserialize() is used unsafely when running in local mode.
  • [STORM-146] - Unit test regression when storm is compiled with 3.4.5 zookeeper
  • [STORM-186] - Milliseconds level tick tuple is broken
  • [STORM-187] - From ZMQ to Netty "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: timeout value is negative"
  • [STORM-194] - Workers don‘t launch properly when the topology name has a space in it
  • [STORM-196] - When JVM_OPTS are set, storm jar fails to detect storm.jar from environment
  • [STORM-238] - LICENSE and NOTICE files are duplicated in storm-core jar
  • [STORM-244] - DRPC timeout can return null instead of throwing an exception
  • [STORM-259] - Netty Client IllegalArgumentException reconnecting after 30 retries
  • [STORM-260] - Race condition in backtype.storm.utils.Time
  • [STORM-264] - Remove deprecated topology.optimize config?
  • [STORM-267] - storm.yaml references invalid package for LoggingMetricsConsumer
  • [STORM-269] - Any readable file exposed via UI log viewer
  • [STORM-273] - Error while running storm topologies on Windows using "storm jar"
  • [STORM-275] - Topologies, Spouts and Bolts with special characters in name cannot be viewed in ui
  • [STORM-277] - Kafka-Spout does not support parallelism(unpredictable behaviour)
  • [STORM-280] - storm unit tests are failing on windows
  • [STORM-281] - Leaking fd‘s when reading config files
  • [STORM-285] - Fix storm-core shade plugin config
  • [STORM-286] - Use URLEncoder#encode with the encoding specified.
  • [STORM-287] - Fix the position of documentation strings
  • [STORM-289] - Trident DRPC memory leak
  • [STORM-290] - Exclude log4j and slf4j-log4j from curator dependency.
  • [STORM-291] - Upgrade http-client dependency to 4.3.3
  • [STORM-294] - Commas not escaped in command line
  • [STORM-295] - Add storm configuration to define JAVA_HOME
  • [STORM-296] - Storm kafka unit tests are failing on windows
  • [STORM-297] - Storm Performance cannot be scaled up by adding more CPU cores
  • [STORM-298] - Logback file does not include full path for metrics appender fileNamePattern
  • [STORM-303] - Forward port of storm-kafka work
  • [STORM-313] - remove log-level-page from logviewer
  • [STORM-326] - task metric send repeatedly
  • [STORM-331] - storm-kafka: bump Kafka version dependency to
  • [STORM-335] - Test for cleaning up timed-out DRPC Requests
  • [STORM-338] - Move towards idiomatic Clojure style
  • [STORM-342] - Contention in Disruptor Queue which may cause message loss or out of order
  • [STORM-352] - [storm-kafka] PartitionManager does not save offsets to ZooKeeper
  • [STORM-384] - Storm UI showing incorrect number of workers and executors


  • [STORM-317] - Add to release binaries
  • [STORM-559] - ZkHosts in README should use 2181 as port
  • [STORM-560] - ZkHosts in README should use 2181 as port


  • [STORM-12] - Reduce Thread Usage of Netty Transport
  • [STORM-63] - timeout request stay in queue of drpc server
  • [STORM-70] - use zookeeper-3.4.5
  • [STORM-132] - Default Storm scheduler should evenly use resources when managing multiple topologies
  • [STORM-241] - "storm jar" underperforms compared to scp
  • [STORM-252] - Upgrade curator to latest version
  • [STORM-263] - Update Kryo version to 2.21+
  • [STORM-265] - Upgrade Clojure to 1.5 (or 1.6)
  • [STORM-288] - Fix version Spelling in pom.xml
  • [STORM-301] - Fix Indentation for pom.xml in storm-dist
  • [STORM-302] - Fix Indentation for pom.xml in storm-dist
  • [STORM-306] - Document how to securely setup storm
  • [STORM-310] - Change Twitter authentication stream using the new Twitter4J. An optional set of filters can be used to restricted tweets.
  • [STORM-316] - Added registerMetric validation to have timeBucketSizeInSecs >= 1
  • [STORM-325] - storm-kafka: dependencies scope to provided
  • [STORM-484] - Implement topology validation logic in TopologyBuilder

New Feature

  • [STORM-69] - UI Visualizations
  • [STORM-138] - Pluggable serialization for multilang
  • [STORM-173] - use "-c " command to define Number config value will generate ClassCastException
  • [STORM-205] - Add REST API to Storm UI
  • [STORM-245] - Implement localOrShuffle() on Stream for performance
  • [STORM-276] - Add support for logviewer in storm.cmd
  • [STORM-308] - Storm Windows: Add support for config_value to {supervisor,nimbus,ui,drpc,logviewer} childopts
  • [STORM-315] - Added progress bar when submitting topology


  • [STORM-270] - Why ahead-of-time compiled clojure "classes" are not used in storm-core


  • [STORM-247] - Replace links to github resources in storm script
  • [STORM-305] - Create developer documentation
时间: 2024-08-08 16:03:55

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