HOWTO Install the MinGW (GCC) Compiler Suite

Posted July 25th, 2008 by mingwadmin

Automated Installer

If you are new to MinGW, see the MinGW Getting Started instructions to use the automated GUI or manual CLI (Command Line Interface) installers. What follows below are instructions for a very "manual" download, typically only attempted by more experienced users.

Manual Installation

Before you start this manual installation, read the release notes (at the bottom of the page).

  • Determine which files below you need and download them.
  • Extract the files into a directory such as C:\MinGW
  • Add C:\MinGW\bin; to the PATH environment variable.

You will need a program that can extract .tar.lzma files, such as 7-Zip or one that provides command-line tar and lzma tools. A basic standalone tar program that includes lzma support is available from the MinGW project and is called bsdtar.

You must add C:\MinGW\bin; to your user PATH environment variable manually. You can permanently add C:\MinGW\bin; to your PATH by following the instructions in the "Environment Settings" section on the MinGW Getting Started page.

The resulting C:\MinGW subtree is fully relocatable which means that you can have multiple installations or versions of the MinGW suite. You can potentially have installations such as:


Switching between these is merely a matter of renaming any particular directory to C:\MinGW.

Files To Get

Download at least the following (or newer) packages from the MinGW
Download Page. Where two or more component packages are indicated, you
need both / all of them.

The above are the minimum requirements for a working C Language
compiler using the MinGW GCC toolchain. The support libraries (mpc,
mpfr, and gmp) provide also "dev" packages, but those are only needed if
you want to link your program against those libraries. (You do need the
"dev" package for pthreads, since link commands that use -pthread need
to link against this library.) Likewise, the binutils package provides a
"dev" package that includes libraries, such as libiberty.a and
libbfd.a, and the corresponding headers; you may wish to install those
if you want to develop programs that are linked against those libraries.
If you don‘t find the linker scripts in the binutils "bin" package,
they might be in the "dev" package.

You can also add one or more of the following optional compilers or tools. For each you choose to install, you need all three of the bin, the dev and the dll component packages:

  • gcc-c++ (bin and dev and dll) for C++
  • gcc-objc (bin and dev and dll) for Objective C
  • gcc-fortran (bin and dev and dll) for Fortran 90/95
  • gcc-java (not yet available) for Java
  • gcc-ada (bin and dev and dll) for Ada

Note that the GCC versions of these files must match the GCC version of the gcc-core installed.

You can also add the following additional utilities:

You may also want the following features:

Getting Updates or Making Changes

Updating a single package (e.g. when there is a new version of
w32api) can be done by extracting the new version to C:\MinGW to
overwrite the older version. This manual update also works with an
initial automated install.

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时间: 2024-08-27 07:08:32

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