CSAPP 六个重要的实验 lab5

CSAPP  && lab5









The only file you will modify and turn in is mm.c.

Your dynamic storage allocator will consist of the following three functions (and several helper functions), which are declared in mm.h and defined in mm.c:

int mm_init(void);
void* mm_malloc(size_t size);
void mm_free(void* ptr);

Your job is to complete this implementation by filling out mm_malloc() and mm_free().


Provided Code

We define a BlockInfo struct designed to be used as a node in a doubly-linked explicit free list, and the following functions for manipulating free lists:

BlockInfo* searchFreeList(int reqSize): returns a block of at least the requested size if one exists (and NULL otherwise).
void insertFreeBlock(BlockInfo* blockInfo): inserts the given block in the free list in LIFO manner.
void removeFreeBlock(BlockInfo* blockInfo): removes the given block from the free list.

In addition, we implement mm_init and provide two helper functions implementing important parts of the allocator:

void requestMoreSpace(int incr): enlarges the heap by incr bytes (if enough memory is available on the machine to do so).
void coalesceFreeBlock(BlockInfo* oldBlock): coalesces any other free blocks adjacent in memory to oldBlock into a
single new large block and updates the free list accordingly.

这里free list的实现介绍: 这里须要说明一下的就是header处于低地址,footer处于高地址. 这里说明的原因是由于实现的时候会有指针的加减,注意一下就是了 :-)

sizeAndTags中记录的size信息是整个block的大小。包含了struct BlockInfo结构体的大小

论证: 观察struct BlockInfo结构体在内存中的分布


前一个block的footer 即boundary tag,由此获知当前block的前一个block的大小

My answer:

/* Allocate a block of size size and return a pointer to it. */
void* mm_malloc (size_t size) {
  size_t reqSize;
  BlockInfo * ptrFreeBlock = NULL;
  BlockInfo * ptrNextBlock = NULL;
  size_t blockSize;
  size_t precedingBlockUseTag;
  size_t* ptrNextBlockFooter = NULL; 

  // Zero-size requests get NULL.
  if (size == 0) {
    return NULL;

  // Add one word for the initial size header.
  // Note that we don't need to boundary tag when the block is used!
  size += WORD_SIZE;
  if (size <= MIN_BLOCK_SIZE) {
    // Make sure we allocate enough space for a blockInfo in case we
    // free this block (when we free this block, we'll need to use the
    // next pointer, the prev pointer, and the boundary tag).
    reqSize = MIN_BLOCK_SIZE;
  } else {
    // Round up for correct alignment
    reqSize = ALIGNMENT * ((size + ALIGNMENT - 1) / ALIGNMENT);

  // Implement mm_malloc.  You can change or remove any of the above
  // code.  It is included as a suggestion of where to start.
  // You will want to replace this return statement...

  ptrFreeBlock =  searchFreeList(reqSize);

	ptrFreeBlock = searchFreeList(reqSize);

  blockSize = SIZE(ptrFreeBlock->sizeAndTags);

  if(blockSize < reqSize + MIN_BLOCK_SIZE)
	reqSize = blockSize;

  precedingBlockUseTag = ptrFreeBlock->sizeAndTags & TAG_PRECEDING_USED;
  ptrFreeBlock->sizeAndTags = reqSize | precedingBlockUseTag | TAG_USED;

  ptrNextBlock = (BlockInfo*)UNSCALED_POINTER_ADD(ptrFreeBlock,reqSize);

  if(reqSize != blockSize)
	ptrNextBlock->sizeAndTags = (blockSize - reqSize) | TAG_PRECEDING_USED;

	ptrNextBlockFooter = (size_t *)UNSCALED_POINTER_ADD(ptrFreeBlock,blockSize - WORD_SIZE);

	(*ptrNextBlockFooter) = ptrNextBlock->sizeAndTags;

   	ptrNextBlock->sizeAndTags = ptrNextBlock->sizeAndTags | TAG_PRECEDING_USED;

	ptrNextBlockFooter = (size_t*)UNSCALED_POINTER_ADD(ptrNextBlock,SIZE(ptrNextBlock->sizeAndTags) - WORD_SIZE);

	(*ptrNextBlockFooter) = ptrNextBlock->sizeAndTags;

  return (void*)UNSCALED_POINTER_ADD(ptrFreeBlock,WORD_SIZE);

/* Free the block referenced by ptr. */
void mm_free (void *ptr) {
  size_t payloadSize;
  size_t blockSize;
  BlockInfo * blockInfo;
  BlockInfo * followingBlock;

  // Implement mm_free.  You can change or remove the declaraions
  // above.  They are included as minor hints.

  BlockInfo* prev_block = NULL;
  BlockInfo* next_block = NULL;

  blockInfo = (BlockInfo*)UNSCALED_POINTER_SUB(ptr,WORD_SIZE);
  followingBlock = (BlockInfo *)UNSCALED_POINTER_ADD(blockInfo,blockInfo->sizeAndTags);

  blockSize = SIZE(blockInfo->sizeAndTags);
  payloadSize = blockSize - WORD_SIZE;
  blockInfo->sizeAndTags = blockInfo->sizeAndTags & ~TAG_USED;
  *(size_t *)UNSCALED_POINTER_ADD(blockInfo,payloadSize) = blockInfo->sizeAndTags;
  followingBlock->sizeAndTags = followingBlock->sizeAndTags & ~TAG_PRECEDING_USED;

  if(followingBlock->sizeAndTags & TAG_USED == 0)
      *(size_t *)UNSCALED_POINTER_ADD(followingBlock,SIZE(followingBlock->sizeAndTags) - WORD_SIZE) = followingBlock->sizeAndTags;







到此,CSAPP的lab临时告一段落,以后还会峰峰补补的去更新 :-)


[email protected]


时间: 2024-11-08 20:40:50

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