Centos6.6 64位安装LTIB i.MX6Q BSP开发环境

《CentOS 6.3 64-bit Host Building i.MX6Q-SDB Linux L3.0.35_12.09.01.01_GA_Source》


The SABRE Board for Smart Devices Based on the i.MX 6 Series is an evalutaion board featuring the i.MX6 Quad Core Cortex-A9 processor. Freescale ported the Linux Operating System (as of this writing version 3.0.35) and the Board Support Package (BSP) containing
the Linux Kernel, build system called LTIB, GCC compiler tools, boot loader, u-boot, and root file system is available for download, install, and build.

LTIB is a perl script and is the acroynm for Linux Target Image Builder.

This document describes setting up a CentOS 6.3 64-bit host in a virtual machine for using the BSP and running the images on i.MX6Q-SDB evaluation board.



CentOS 6.3 LiveCD installed in a virtual machine from virtual box.

CentOS-6.3-x86_64-LiveCD.iso 9953ff1cc2ef31da89a0e1f993ee6335

The BSP provides, a build system called ltib, GNU tools, U-Boot, Linux Kernel, and root file system:

(由于Freescale官方不断更新,我下载的是  L3.0.35_4.1.0_130816_source.tar.gz)

Download archive fromhttp://freescale.com/sabresdb


Virtual Box - A Virtual Machine used for creating the CentOS host. Virtual Box installed on Windows 7 64-bit Pro, then create the VM. Allocated 20 GB Hard disk and 1 MB RAM. The steps for installations are found at the virtual box web site. http://www.virtualbox.org

Document Conventions

Bold lines are Linux commands and edits run on CentOS.

The ‘$‘ indicates running the command as a regular user

The ‘#‘ indicates running the command as root user.

CentOS Host Setup

For this example a virtual machine is used, however a dedicated PC running only CentOS linux could be used.

1. Add user login to sudo‘ers file   (给普通用户添加root权限)

Login as user root and run the visudo command

# visudo

Add the following line and save the file:

user     ALL=(ALL)     ALL

2. Update the system packages:

$ sudo yum udpate

3. Install package for "ltib" operations: (安装必备的软件)

$ sudo yum install make gcc gcc-c++ kernel-devel bison libuuid-devel ncurses-devel zlib-devel lzo-devel intltool libtool tcl rpm-build
perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker ld-linux.so.2 zlib-1.2.3-27.el6.i686

4. Update sudo‘ers file for supporting ltib rpm

$ sudo visudo

Add the following line and save the file:

user     ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/rpm,/opt/freescale/ltib/usr/bin/rpm

在最后添加 这一行,user替换成你的username。

Install BSP

The sources are in a tar gziped archive file which is downloaded from http://freescale.com/sabresdb,
selecting the Software & Tools tab then expanding Run-time Software in the middle of the page. A free login is required for download which can be registered for by selecting the Login at the top right of the freescale.com page.

Once downloaded, verify the md5 checksum (see references above for the value).

$ mkdir ~/imx6

$ tar -zxf L3.0.35_12.09.01.01_GA_source.tar.gz -C ~/imx6

$ cd ~/imx6/*source

$ ./install

Installation complete, your ltib installation has been placed in
y/ltib, to complete the installation:

cd /ltib

Read and accept the licensing information.

Choose a directory to install too, for this example entered .. which is the parent directory.

Build the i.MX6Q SDB

$ cd ~/imx6/ltib

$ ./ltib


Installing host support packages.

This only needs to be done once per host, but may take up to
an hour to complete ...

If an error occurs, a log file with the full output may be found in:
/home/your name/L3.0.35_4.1.0_130816_source/ltib/host_config.log




/bin/sh: texi2dvi: command not found
make[2]: *** [flex.pdf] Error 127
make[2]: Leaving directory `/opt/freescale/ltib/usr/src/rpm/BUILD/flex-2.5.37/doc'
make[1]: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/freescale/ltib/usr/src/rpm/BUILD/flex-2.5.37'
make: *** [install] Error 2


yum whatprovides *texi2dvi
texinfo-tex-4.13a-8.el6.x86_64 : Tools for formatting Texinfo documentation files using TeX
Repo        : base
Matched from:
Filename    : /usr/bin/texi2dvi
Filename    : /usr/bin/pdftexi2dvi

texlive-texmf-doc-2007-38.el6.noarch : TeX documentation
Repo        : base
Matched from:
Filename    : /usr/share/texmf/doc/texdraw/texi2dvi
sudo yum install texinfo-tex
$ sudo rm -rf /opt/freescale/
$ ./ltib 


Can‘t get: m4-1.4.16.tar.gz at ./ltib line 802










所有文件都在这里:pkgs files

After some time (depends on how fast your host computer is) the menuing system is shown which allows you to select build configurations.

The second screen selects the development platform which is imx6q for the SDB. For this example the Min profile is chosen which is the default. Use the arrow keys to move and the enter key to select. The space bar selects/deselects an entry.

Use the right arrow key to move to <Exit> and press the enter key. The save dialog box is presented, save. The next menu is the iMX6x Base Boards which leaving all as default except for the U-boot board selection which is mx6q_sabresd for the SDB. Save and


When ltib completes, the images are found in <ltib>/rootfs/boot.

Bootloader = u-boot.bin

Linux Kernel = uImage

File system = </ltib>/rootfs


时间: 2024-08-29 14:30:10

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