type knot=record sum:longint; son:array[0..30] of longint; ch:char; end; var tree:array[1..30000] of knot; st:array[1..1000] of string[20]; n,tot:longint; procedure insert(k,len:longint); var i:longint; begin inc(tree[k].sum); if len>length(st[n]) then exit; for i:=1 to tree[k].son[0] do if tree[tree[k].son[i]].ch=st[n][len] then begin insert(tree[k].son[i],len+1); exit; end; inc(tree[k].son[0]); inc(tot); tree[k].son[tree[k].son[0]]:=tot; tree[tot].sum:=0; tree[tot].ch:=st[n][len]; tree[tot].son[0]:=0; insert(tot,len+1); end; procedure find(sn,k,len:longint); var i:longint; begin if k<>1 then write(tree[k].ch); if len>length(st[sn]) then exit; if tree[k].sum=1 then exit; for i:=1 to tree[k].son[0] do if tree[tree[k].son[i]].ch=st[sn][len] then find(sn,tree[k].son[i],len+1); end; procedure prepare; begin tree[1].son[0]:=0; tree[1].ch:=‘ ‘; tree[1].sum:=0; end; procedure scanf; begin n:=0; tot:=1; while not eoln do begin inc(n); readln(st[n]); insert(1,1); end; end; procedure printf; var i:longint; begin for i:=1 to n do begin write(st[i],‘ ‘); find(i,1,1); writeln; end; end; begin prepare; scanf; printf; end.
时间: 2024-12-16 04:52:23