【MongoDB】The high query operation of MongoDB(二)

In the last blog, there are three query condition to be described. In the blog, we will continue to what we have leant in the last blog.

1 $mod

‘$mod‘ operation is able to make us to do simple mod operation, but is no need to use where sentence.


2. $ne, $in, $nin

‘$ne’ means not equal. ‘$in‘ is same as key word ‘in‘ in relationship. $nin is opsitive to ‘in‘

3.$or and $nor

durning the mutiple conditions, then result will be return that it only matches one condition among condition.

as for $noe, which is in contrast with $no, let‘s learn it from the following the picture.

4. $size

$size operation will query result whose size is equailvant to size of input.

5. $where

6. $type

$type will find the data according the type of bson field. For example:

The following picture is the type of bson type.

时间: 2024-10-25 11:32:20

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